Don't Tempt Me
hazardous to one's health. The crew members of the Freedom who survived had to scatter and go into hiding for fear of being killed. Through the years, most of my family has preferred to deny the connection. The war may be over, but Southerners have long memories."
    "True," Adrian said. "But in this case unfair, to Jack and to your family."
    "And," Allison said, as she passed the bread, "it's one more reason to excavate the Freedom . We'll all be working closely with the Galveston Historical Society on the museum display, since we want to be sure the right story is told. We want people to finally know the truth about Jack and Marguerite. Even if that means including excerpts from the diaries, something we've never shared before."
    "And your letter," Rory said to Jackie, as the baby started to fidget. Now that the meal was winding down, Rory pulled Lauren from the high chair onto her lap.
    Jackie looked at everyone around the ta8le, frowning. "Won't it bother all of you that telling the truth means telling the world that Henri LeRoche was the leader of a smuggling ring and a murderer?"
    "Not at all." Allison looked at her in surprise. "After what our family has put up with since he disowned his daughter, Nicole, having people know the truth about Henri will be long-awaited justice."
    "But Henri is as much your ancestor as Nicole and Marguerite," Jackie pointed out. "Having people know about him won't bother you?"
    "It's not like his sins have anything to do with us personally," Rory said. "The important ones are Jack and Marguerite. After all these years of waiting, they deserve to be exonerated." She looked at her siblings. "Right?"
    Jackie saw a flash in Adrian's eyes as he glanced her way, a moment's hesitation. And she knew in that instant that he and his sisters actually believed Jack and Marguerite were trapped between worlds. She looked at Scott and Chance for their reaction, but they were calmly finishing their dinners, showing no surprise at Rory's statement. So that was why they were doing this. These people believed in ghosts.
    She looked back at Adrian. You can't be serious.
    He lifted his wine glass. "To Jack and Marguerite ... and the truth."
    "May it help to set them free," Allison added, touching her glass to her brother's with a bell-like ring.
    "To Jack and Marguerite," the others echoed, raising their glasses.
    Jackie joined the toast even as her mind raced. Did they think clearing Jack's name of false charges would free his spirit? The thought of erasing that one blemish at least from her family name thrilled her on one level, but frightened her on another. Searching for truth held all the dangers of opening Pandora's box.
    How did one control how much truth escaped?
    As she lowered her glass, she found Adrian watching her. Worry showed in his eyes and she could almost read his mind: You're not going to back out, are you?
    No , she sighed. He and his sisters might be nuts, but at this point she was committed.
    "Okay, then." He stood. "If everyone's done, why don't we have dessert in the living room so we can take a look at the letter?"
    Jackie's stomach churned as she realized the time had come. Allison and Scott started clearing the table while Adrian headed for the kitchen to serve dessert.
    "I need to change Lauren's diaper," Rory said. "Don't y'all dare get started without me."
    "Who wants coffee?" Chance asked, then glanced at Jackie. "That's my one culinary achievement ---brewing the coffee. You want some?"
    "I'll stick with wine, thanks," she said, deciding she might need it to settle her nerves. "Is there anything I can do to help, though?"
    "Absolutely not," Adrian said. "You're the guest of honor. Just sit back and let us wait on you." She chafed a bit at being cut out of the tight circle, but when it came to families, she supposed she should be used to being the outsider.
    Within minutes, she found herself seated in an armchair in the living area with a plate of Black Forest cake that looked

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