
Donutheart by Sue Stauffacher Page A

Book: Donutheart by Sue Stauffacher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Stauffacher
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predisposition to motion sickness causes them to empty their stomachs?
    It was up to me to collect the data. I had three leather-bound journals in which I’d faithfully recorded my measurements over the last five years. The only other entry I’d failed to make was during the influenza outbreak in my ninth year, when I’d been wracked by a 104-degree fever for three days.
    I stared at the blank spaces as if they could tell me where I’d gone wrong.
    “Franklin!” My mother broke into my thoughts. “I’ve been calling you for ages. Gloria’s on the phone.”
    Gloria? Calling me? At this hour of the night?
    Me: Gloria? This is a surprise.
    Gloria: So, how did it work? My advice about the faucets?
    Me: Oh. Fine.
    Gloria: Good. You know, I was about your age when I got that trick with the faucet from William. Worked every time.
    Me: William?
    Gloria: My brother, Franklin.
    Me: I didn’t know you had a brother, Gloria.
    Gloria: That’s because we rarely stray from your morbid preoccupations. I had four brothers, Franklin. William was the oldest.
    Me: You

    Gloria: But…to the reason I called. Your mother and I have been discussing Sarah, and I wanted your opinion.
    Me: Uh, okay.
    Gloria: How are things going at school? Is she keeping up? You know, sixth grade is a pivotal year in terms of retention. Students can slip through the cracks when they begin middle school.
    Me: Well, her grades aren’t what they could be if she just tried—
    Gloria: Speak up, Franklin.
    Me: She’s keeping up, barely, but…well…I think there is something bothering her. Just today she was asking about that story you told me to read to her last year. She was asking what happened to Hope.
    Gloria: Really?
    Me: And there’s something else going on. At the rink. She won’t wear a skirt in practice anymore.
    Gloria: I know. Your mother told me. (
big sigh
) I’m going to tell you something personal, Franklin. Is that okay?
    Me: Of course, Gloria.
    Gloria: I’m thinking about Sarah tonight because she reminds me so much of William. My brother. They shared the same single-minded passion for sport. Only for William, it was football.
    Me: Why do you keep talking about him like he’s in the past, Gloria? You keep saying
    Gloria: Because William is from the past, Franklin. He died.
    Me: Died?
    Gloria: Yes. In Vietnam. Today is the anniversary—
    Me: He died in Vietnam? Your brother was in combat?
    Gloria: It creeps up on me every year. I’d almost forgotten today was the twelfth…. (
long, snuffly pause…Gloria was blowing her nose.
) All right, then. The security people are shooing me out. Can’t work late these days. So you’ll watch over Sarah for me?
    Me: Sure, Gloria. (
though I was not at all sure what this entailed
    Gloria: Because she has to skate, Franklin. It’s her passion. When William didn’t get a football scholarship, he seemed to lose all hope. And we can’t let that happen to Sarah.
    Me: Gloria?
    Gloria: Yes, Franklin?
    Me: I’m sorry about your brother…about William.
    Gloria: I thought you might understand what I was feeling tonight, Franklin. Every once in a while, you stretch out and touch the world. It gives me hope. (
another long Gloria sigh
) Well, let’s call it a day, shall we? My voice gets a little hoarse when I put in so many hours. Don’t forget, Franklin, I’m expecting pictures of the big day. A video would be even better. I know you won’t let me down.
    Me: Bernie’s bringing his camera.
    Gloria: As for Sarah, she needs you more than ever. As I said, this could be a critical year. I don’t like to think of it, but Sarah could be in danger.
    Me: Sarah…in danger?
    Gloria: Yes. Good night, Franklin.
    Me: Gloria…
    I was about to ask her to specify the danger when she disconnected. Certainly, I wanted to ask her how in the world a girl like Sarah Kervick could be in danger when she didn’t even acknowledge that such a thing existed. But then I was distracted by thoughts of William.

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