Doom of the Dragon

Doom of the Dragon by Margaret Weis Page A

Book: Doom of the Dragon by Margaret Weis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Weis
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sailing on this course. See where it leads.”
    Raegar frowned, puzzled. “That route would take her to the realm of the Stormlords. Why would she go there, to a land of foul wizards?”
    â€œWhy indeed?”
    Aelon lifted her gaze to meet his, apparently expecting him to know the answer. Raegar was in no mood to play games. He shook his head.
    â€œForgive me, Revered Aelon, I was up late last night, preparing for a meeting today with these very Stormlords.”
    â€œYou were up late, but not for that reason,” Aelon said, her lip curling. “I know where to find the fourth spiritbone and now Aylaen has given me the location of the fifth.”
    She tapped her finger on the map.
    â€œThe realm of the Stormlords!”
    Raegar was astonished at first. The more he considered the matter, the more it made sense. The wizards had been hiding in their secret kingdom for centuries. If one believed the bards, they traced their history back to the time of the fall of the Great Dragon Ilyrion.
    â€œI think you are right, Revered Aelon,” said Raegar. “She would not risk traveling to that dangerous region for any other reason. But she wastes her time. Their city is said to be hidden by powerful magicks. No one can find it.”
    â€œYet that is what you must do, Raegar,” said Aelon. “Locate the hidden city and find a way to enter it.”
    â€œThe Stormlords pay us tribute yearly to be left in peace,” Raegar said doubtfully. “A large quantity of gold and jewels. The treasury would suffer—”
    â€œLet it suffer, then. I do not want their gold and jewels!” Aelon said in scathing tones. “I want the Stormlords to open the gates of their hidden city to me. I want them to worship me, to bow before me and call me their lord. I want them to give me the spiritbone!”
    She was silent, drumming her fingers on her bare arms, stalking her prey. Raegar felt a pulse of excitement, the thrill of the hunt.
    â€œI want you to send my priests to that land,” Aelon said at last. “Their mission will be to carry the message of my love and care to these benighted people. And, if, in their proselytizing, they happen to stumble upon this hidden city or discover the spiritbone, so much the better.”
    â€œI understand, Revered Aelon,” said Raegar, grinning.
    Aelon smiled. “You have a way to communicate with them?”
    â€œI will order them to report to the Watchers, who will bring their reports to me.”
    â€œSend with the priests some of the gold and jewels the Stormlords pay you,” said Aelon. “One can always find a man willing to betray his country for a price. You would know, wouldn’t you, Raegar?”
    She cocked her eye at him. Raegar flushed in anger, but he managed to control himself.
    â€œTo betray one’s country, one must have a country,” he said. “My people left me wounded on the field of battle to be taken prisoner and made a slave. It was then I found you, Revered Aelon. I sought you as a man who thirsts seeks cool water…”
    He averted his head, ashamed of his emotions.
    â€œForgive me, Raegar,” Aelon said remorsefully, putting her hand to his cheek. “I spoke thoughtlessly. You know I value you. I would not have made you my emperor otherwise.”
    Aelon drank the last of the wine. Drawing close to him, she rested her hands on his broad chest. The serpents on the golden necklace jingled, her bracelets clicked.
    â€œThis mission is vitally important, Raegar. I will soon have four of the spiritbones in my possession. Aylaen has three. I now know the location of the fourth and I believe the Stormlords have the fifth. Once I have all five, the power of creation will be mine. The world will be mine.”
    â€œAnd you will be mine,” said Raegar. “We will rule this world together as you promised me.”
    â€œI will keep my promise, if you will keep yours,” Aelon

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