Dragon Aster Trilogy

Dragon Aster Trilogy by S.J. Wist Page B

Book: Dragon Aster Trilogy by S.J. Wist Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.J. Wist
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult, teen
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sleep held. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful Princess, who lost a slipper under the glass stairs leading from Heaven.”
    ‘That’s...not how the...story goes. ’
    Lintrance smiled as her psi, even asleep, contested him just like Serena’s used to. His Ancient had little trouble connecting with her mind and the energies of her soul as he touched her foot again and pulled them both into his dragon somn, before spreading his wings and taking to the air for the Caverns.

11: H O L D I N G O N

    Sybl opened her eyes to the feeling of someone staring at her. She peered up as the person holding her seemed to stop breathing, before focusing with his two beautiful, light blue eyes on her. She was either dead and he was an angel, or she was alive and dreaming. Both she would accept forever.
    The man didn’t say anything as his long, straight blond hair fell over his shoulders as he looked away from her and to the right side of the room. He seemed content to hold her even with her being awake.
    “Oh by all the caels it’s true... Cirrus tell me that’s not a human?”
    Cirrus didn’t answer the fret in the doorway. Sybl looked his way as well as she sat up on her own. She was surprised enough by the other man’s appearance to get to her feet and slowly back away to the window of the room.
    “No...no no no. This isn’t going to work. Take her back—like NOW. She doesn’t belong here, and I don’t know what madness you’ve evolved out of from your Curse, but this is not going to work.”
    “This is not something you can understand,” replied the one who had been holding her.
    Sybl stayed quiet as the young man, complete with clouded orange eyes that might have meant he was blind sent his entire disproval her way with a stern frown. His dark-blue hair was cut short without much care to its evenness or neatness.
    “What I can understand is that this human kid is going to make you as messed up as Rose did to me. If she doesn’t, she will still grow old and die and I am NOT going through that again, Cirrus! For the sake of any decency left in this world we just buried—”
    “Cecil, shut up,” another man said sternly as he came into the room. “The Princess can understand everything you are saying in Torian.”
    Cecil clearly wasn’t expecting that as his expression changed to concern on looking back at Sybl. But it wasn’t much. “You could have told me...”
    “If you were listening to her psi like the rest of us, your self-proclaimed brilliance would have actually been useful for once.”
    Sybl’s way out was blocked off as the ghastly thin, tall man looked her way with orange eyes and frail, dark green hair that fell just to his shoulders. He could have easily been the tallest person she ever faced. He might even be a treant of some kind. If he didn’t look less likely to kill her than Cecil, she might have really begun to panic.
    “ No one is going to hurt you. Calm down, ” Cirrus spoke to her thoughts.
    “Just who are you people? And why do you sound like that dragon?” Sybl looked at Cirrus as he continued to sit against the wall in total calmness, while she was anything but.
    Cecil only fretted some more with a loud tapping of his boot against the ground, as if having an argument within his own mind. Then he threw up his arms with a loud sigh and retreated back into the hallway.
    “Sybl you aren’t dreaming or trapped in a nightmare, you need to first and foremost understand this. I don’t want you losing anymore glass slippers by running from us,” the tall one said.
    “That’s not how—” Sybl stopped there as the man smiled at her in waiting for its end. He suddenly seemed familiar, and she had no idea how someone who wasn’t a human could be such to her. She looked at her shoe and wiggled her toes, finding it still damp inside.
    “The story goes. Yes, Lintrance knows that, but it doesn’t stop my

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