Dragon Ugly (Dragon New Year)
nice hot bath. She would sleep well that night—that much she knew—only to start all of this again on the morrow.
    “We are so not going anywhere unless we absolutely have to this week,” Anna commented. “I’m already getting a migraine and I’m this close to hexing the table next to us. I swear to the goddess, if one more person starts to do a keg stand I’ll zap them with a lightning strike.”
    Cari smiled. “Now, now. Do no harm. That’s what you witches say, right?”
    “Hey now, be thankful vampires don’t have the magic witches do,” Jez purred. “I’d have started tearing out their throats with just a thought an hour ago.”
    Anna laughed. “Oh, to be quick and dangerous and able to lengthen my nails at a thought or a wink. The power, the power !”
    Carissa rolled her eyes. “Down, both of you. I don’t think I have enough money to bail you out.”
    Jez shook her head. “Don’t need bail. I can just glamour us off the hook. So, feel like being dangerous this week?”
    “You just want to get frisked,” Anna teased.
    “Handcuffs and a uniform? Yes, please.” Jez took a sip of wine before flashing her fangs.
    “And here I thought you were a snob,” Cari grinned.
    “Well, I can make exceptions. But only a few. A girl’s gotta have standards.” Jez turned back to her own meal.
    They fell silent, but the mood had been lifted, if only at their table. Everywhere else it just seemed to get more and more raucous. Brent made it over to them eventually and took away their plates. He didn’t flirt this time, but he did give her a small nod and a smile. “Sorry about how slow things are,” he said. “It’s a madhouse. I hate to ask this, but would you guys mind taking a doggie bag for your desserts? With all the people here the kitchens are backed up and going crazy.” Worry filled his eyes.
    Cari wanted to give his hand a squeeze but she didn’t make a move. She wasn’t sure how he’d take the attention, so she kept her hands to herself. Instead, she decided to suggest something a bit easier for him to handle. “How about we take our dinners and desserts to go. Would that help?”
    Conflict feathered across his face; his lips thinned and a crimson flush filled his cheeks. The fact that she was so in tune with his emotions should have scared her, and yet it didn’t. He drew in a deep breath and let out a soft sigh. “That would help…but I don’t want to kick you guys out of your table. You’re behaving; they’re…not.”
    She looked at her friends who nodded in agreement. “Okay, we’ll order our dinners and desserts to go and take our check at the front. How’s that?”
    Brent gave her a slow nod. “Okay, I’ll meet you guys up front in fifteen minutes.” He sped off, making Carissa wonder if she’d ever get to see him again after this. Or if she would still want to once the alcoholic relaxation wore off.
    With a sigh she finished off her water and gathered up her purse.
    “Well, I will say this,” said Anna, “it was a nice dinner. We should do this again, preferably during a calmer time. Say, the dead of winter when no tourist in their right mind would come here?”
    Carissa gave her a small smile. But would Brent still be here then? She didn’t ask that question aloud. Jez and Anna would never let her hear the end of it. They got to the front and settled down on the bench, reserved for people waiting for takeout. They were the only ones there.
    By the time Brent came up to the front with their orders, they were all anxious to go. He gave Carissa a smile as he handed her the bags. He leaned forward, bringing his face just a hair’s breadth away from hers. “There’s a surprise in your bag. Talk to you later, honey.” He strode away before she could respond.
    In his wake, Carissa’s lips tingled and her skin heated, her pulse ticking upward. The air thinned around her as she struggled to get into some semblance of calm but she felt flustered and off

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