Dragon War: The Draconic Prophecies - Book Three

Dragon War: The Draconic Prophecies - Book Three by James Wyatt Page B

Book: Dragon War: The Draconic Prophecies - Book Three by James Wyatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Wyatt
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with the dragon. Sorry, Gaven.
    The thought of Gaven seemed to soothe her fear, and she spotted Maelstrom beneath the dragon’s hind foot. The dragon’s yellow eyes were on hers, and its mouth opened and closed quickly in what seemed almost like a laugh. It believed Rienne was at its mercy, she realized—helpless without her sword.
    Well, let it think so, she thought.
    Slowly, keeping her eyes fixed on the dragon’s, she got to her feet. It watched her intently, its eyes gleaming, as if eager to see how she would try to extract herself from this situation. She heard Jordhan’s stifled breathing, trying not to be noticed. Had the dragon noticed him at the helm? That might affect how it would respond to her movements. She decided to test it.
    Crouching low, ready to dive away from any attack, she shifted a few steps to her left, toward the prow. It countered with a few shuffling steps to its left, toward Jordhan, dragging Maelstrom along beneath its clawed foot. The airship creaked and rocked, and Rienne heard branches snap. The dragon’s movement suggested it didn’t know Jordhan was there, or it didn’t care about being trapped between two foes it considered insignificant. Mostly, it was trying to keep the bulk of its body between Rienne and Maelstrom.
    Its mouth flapped open and closed again, and it spat a jet of acid at her—just to keep her moving, it seemed. She sidestepped the spurt of black slime, circling back to her right, toward the wheelhouse. The dragon countered her move again, and for just an instant one foot scrabbled on the slanting deck. The dragon’s wings spread slightly as it fought for its balance, and Rienne used that moment to strike.
    She threw herself directly between the dragon’s front legs, at the space below its plated belly. It reared in surprise, throwing its wings wide and flailing at her with its claws. One claw raked across her back, but the blow had no strength behind it. Rienne rolled beneath the dragon, braced herself with her arms, and kicked with all her strength at the leg that pinned Maelstrom to the deck.
    With a roar of fury, the dragon slid toward the prow. It kicked off from the airship and flapped wildly to get itself aloft, spraying acid across the deck. Rienne snatched Maelstrom up and leaped into the nearest tree, dodging the worst of the spray, then hopped through its branches to the ground.
    Solid earth beneath her feet and Maelstrom in her hand again, Rienne fell easily into a ready stance and waited for the dragon to follow her, trusting that its rage would make it come to her without lingering to destroy Jordhan’s airship—or Jordhan himself.
    She wasn’t disappointed. Shrieking its frustration, the dragon hurtled down at her, fangs and claws bared. It snaked between the trees more easily than she had thought possible, folding its wings close and falling more than flying. Terror seized her again, and she rolled beneath its onslaught. She shouted as its claws raked her, but answered their bite with an upward thrust that drove Maelstrom deep between two of the heavy plates that protected the dragon’s belly. Black blood spurted out over her hand, stinging like the acid of its breath, and the dragon crashed into the ground behind her.
    She rolled to her feet and leaped to where the dragon had landed, swinging Maelstrom in whirling arcs around her. The dragon kept its feet despite its wound, and its head darted forward to bite at her as she came within reach. Its teeth closed around her arm, and pain seared through her as acidic spittle ate into the wound. Her other arm brought Maelstrom to slash into the dragon’s neck, just behind its jaw. The jaws opened and Rienne tumbled to the ground, then darkness swallowed her again.
    She could still hear the dragon beside her and feel the heat of its body. Biting back the pain, she swung Maelstrom in a relentless dance of arcs and jabs, driving the dragon away from her assault. She followed its retreat, and after a few

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