Drawn to a Vampire

Drawn to a Vampire by Kathryn Drake Page B

Book: Drawn to a Vampire by Kathryn Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Drake
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he did what I had done?  What if he killed? 
    So I stayed by his side as my hunger increased, after all, he’d drank a fair whack of my blood before doing this to himself.  I got hungrier and hungrier and eventually I gave in.  I wanted to be in control, I needed to be in control when he awoke.  I needed to be there for him, to deal with whatever lay ahead.  I allowed myself to feed, but I didn’t go far.  I had to cope with some small prey, a fox, a badger.  It wasn’t bad, in fact it made me feel better.  More pure again.  Less corrupted. 
    The whole time I listened hard for signs he was awakening.…
    When I returned he was still there, pale and lifeless.  I sat next to him in the darkness, wondering about my past, thinking about the people I’d lost, and where they now were.  For the first time I drew out the photo album I’d packed and looked at the photos.  My friends from college.  Rachel.  My parents.  My older brother.  I wondered what they were up to now. How affected they were by my loss.  If they were getting on with their lives … or if they were searching for me.  Not for the first time, I wondered if I should seek them out, tell them I was alive.  Well, kind of, but I again decided against it.  What if they knew what I’d done?  What if they hated me? 
    What if they reported me to the police?  What would happen to me if I was put in a cell?  If I couldn’t have blood?  If I was forced into the day light? 
    And … what if I hurt them?
    I looked at the picture of me and Rachel, with our closest friends Tina and Phil, all ready for a night out, all tipsy and smiling.  I thought about how empty I’d felt when I’d had so much….  It dawned on me that I must have been depressed.  Why hadn’t I realised? I should have tried another route, therapy, for instance.  Maybe I should have gone to the doctors, and tried to find happiness without the recklessness … maybe then none of this would have happened. 
    Rachel would still be alive. 
    I flicked the pages of the album.  There was my dog from home, an adorable black lab.  My heart twinged.  I opened the album onto a group photo of me with my parents and brother, and it was just too much. I closed the album as Adam twitched, and quickly put it back in my bag.
    “Adam,” I said, touching his shoulder.  And then I heard his heart start beating.  And then he started to breathe.  The deep slow breaths of sleep.
    I wiped my brow, and realised I’d broken out in a sweat.  Adam had come back to life.  That must be how it had been with me.  How could Luca have done that to me?  But then, how could I have done the things that I had done? 
    Lack of control. 
    I was out of control. 
    Is that what Luca had been?  Wild?  Reckless?  Then why had I woken up at home?  Did he take me there?  Why didn’t he stay with me?  Did he care for me at all?  Was he as attracted to me as I was to him?  Or is that how I make my victims feel, as though they love me?  A pseudo love.
    Adam’s eyes flickered, and he groaned.
    “Adam,” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.  “Are you OK?”
    “Thirsty,” he muttered.  “I hurt …”
    I felt like saying, ‘You idiot, what do you expect?’ but I figured he was probably in a volatile state and I shouldn’t even go there.
    “When you’re ready, we can hunt,” I said – I figured going down the trying a cup of tea route, like I did, was not a good idea.
    “Hunt?”  He opened his eyes slowly.  It wasn’t quite dawn, so he didn’t need to squint, but he did anyway.
    “Can you remember what you did?” I asked.
    A slow smile crept onto his face.  I wasn’t sure I liked it.  “Hmm … does this mean it worked?  Am I … am I a vampire?”
    “It would certainly seem like it.  You were dead – now you’re not.  Is that what you wanted?”
    He nodded.  “I need something.  Blood.  But I feel bad … weak.”
    “If you wait here I’ll catch something

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