Dreams of Seduction
    “That’s good. It must feel strange to be home again?”
    Home. There was that word again. He’d said the same thing that she’d been thinking on her walk here this morning. “Yes, it is good to be home again. Jed?” She picked at her muffin, no longer hungry. “Why are you sitting here with me? Not that I mind,” she added. “I’m going to shut up now before I make even more of an idiot of myself.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I said that last bit out loud, didn’t I?”
    she mumbled.
    The corners of Jed’s mouth tipped upward and his entire face changed as he smiled. His eyes warmed, the amber tone deepening as he nodded. “You did.”
    Maggie buried her face in her hands and groaned. “You’ll have to forgive me. I haven’t been sleeping very well the past few nights.”
    “I know what you mean.” His voice, low and intimate, sent shivers racing along every nerve ending in her body. Her breasts tingled and a deep throbbing began between her thighs. She was so focused on her physical responses it took her a second to comprehend what he’d said.
    Her head jerked back up and her eyes met his. Surely he didn’t mean the same thing she did. Of course not. There was no way he could know about her dreams. She cleared her throat. “You’re not sleeping well?” Feigning a nonchalance she didn’t feel, she tore off a corner of her muffin, popped it into her mouth and began to chew.
    It was only one word, but he said it just as she started to swallow. Maggie coughed as she began to choke. Jed reached over and patted her back. The light contact sent heat rocketing through her limbs.
    Cream seeped from her core, dampening her panties.
    Waving him away, she grabbed her coffee and took a sip. “I’m fine,” she gasped. “Just went down the wrong way.”
    “You sure?” Jed was still way too close for comfort, his large body hovering close to hers.
    “Positive.” She sat back in her chair, putting more distance between them. She let out a sigh of relief when he leaned back in his chair. That relief only lasted as long as his next words.
    “You sure it wasn’t something I said?”
    Once again, she felt her cheeks heating, along with the rest of her body. “I’m sure.”
    He nodded, although a smile played along the corners of his mouth. He looked like a man with a secret. “To answer your first question, I’m here with you because I want to be.” He leaned forward again and rested his hand on the table alongside hers, not quite touching it, but she could feel the heat radiating from it. “Now that you’ve had time to settle into your home, I was wondering if you’d have dinner with me.”
    Maggie was glad she didn’t have a mouthful of coffee or muffin or she’d have spewed it everywhere.
    Jed Bearson, hunk extraordinaire, subject of her sexual fantasies and star of her erotic dreams the past few nights, was asking her out. Maggie shook her head. She had to have misheard.
    He was sexy as all get out and could probably have any single woman in town, and some of the married ones too if he wanted them. And he was asking her out. Her. Maggie O’Neill, who was perpetually about twenty pounds overweight, was too tall, had flaming red hair and, at the moment, a blotchy red face as well. She was wearing her oldest jeans, a red fleece, which would nicely match her red face, and she wasn’t wearing a lick of makeup.
    Was this some kind of a joke? Or was it magick?
    Her mind was spinning. This couldn’t have anything to do with the spell she’d cast alongside Rhiannon and Esther. It couldn’t. Maggie didn’t believe in magick. But what other explanation could there be?
    Her mouth fell open and she tried to speak, but nothing would come out. She closed her mouth, swallowed hard and tried again. “You want to go out with me?” Maybe she’d misheard him.
    “Yes.” He covered her hand with his. It was a simple touch, yet it seemed intimate. They were sitting in a

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