Dreamsongs - Volume II

Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin Page B

Book: Dreamsongs - Volume II by George R. R. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: George R. R. Martin
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gurney down a
corridor to the Emergency Room. A pair of cops (CHAMBERS and SANCHEZ) follow
close behind.
    Tom falls in beside the gurney.
    What do we have?
    Head injury, facial
lacerations, maybe some internal. Her vitals are real
    strong, but she’s
    A gauze bandage covers Cat’s cut; it’s PINK
with blood.
    She was playing tag
out on the freeway. Blew the crap out of a semi with
    some weird gun.
    They push through a set of double doors
into the ER.
take it from here. Madge, notify X-Ray I’m sending someone up. Tell them I’ll
need a full set of cranials.
    The nurse scrawls a signature for the
paramedics. They EXIT as Tom begins his examination of Cat. He feels gently
around her neck, searching for breaks. Lifts the gauze pad to examine her head
injury. When he pushes up her sleeve to take her pulse, he reveals her strange
bracelet. He touches it.
    Her eyes snap open and Cat MOVES. She grabs
Tom by the crotch and SQUEEZES. Tom GASPS in shock and pain.
    Cat rolls off as Tom collapses, on her feet
with all the speed of her namesake. Chambers jumps her. Cat tries to punch him,
but he grabs first one arm, then the other. He holds her by the wrists as she
    You’re under
arrest, girly. You have the right to remain silent. You have
    Cat throws herself right up against him,
face to face, and BITES him on the nose. Chambers SCREAMS and grabs his face, BLOOD
seeps between his fingers. Cat scrambles away.
    Sanchez cuts off her exit. Tom is on his
knees, unsteady, gasping for breath.
    Cat backs off and SPITS a piece of the cop’s
nose onto the floor. There’s a smear of blood around her mouth.
    She snatches up a metal IV stand and holds
it in front of her like a quarterstaff, ready for anyone.
    Sanchez draws his gun.
    (panting a little)
    Put that ... put
that away. This is ... a hospital.
    She’s psycho.
    Tom pulls himself unsteadily to his feet.
    She’s scared. Look
at her.
    My nose ...
    It’s around here
somewhere. We can fix it. Madge, find the officer’s nose,
    (to Cat)
    Don’t be afraid. No
one will hurt you. Promise.
    She’s watching him now, warily. She says
nothing. Tom edges closer. Cat gives a short, threatening swing of the pole.
    I wouldn’t go any
closer if I was you. Doc.
    Tom, be careful. I
don’t think she understands English.
    Tom keeps all his attention on Cat.
    That’s a nasty cut
    Cat touches her face. Her fingers come away
wet with blood.
    Can I take a look
at it? Put that down, why don’t you? I won’t hurt you.
    A tense moment. He is right beside her now.
He lifts a hand to her face. No sudden movements. Cat is taut, poised. Tom
turns her face to one side to examine the gash.
    Not as bad as it
looks. Still, we better get an X-ray. Will you come with me?
    Tom offers her his hand. Cat hesitates a
long moment. Then she FLINGS AWAY the pole. It falls with a clatter.
    Real good. We’ll
take her now, Doc.
    Tom faces him down. The nurse is visible in
E.G., on her hands and knees, searching for the missing bit of nose.
    I’m admitting this
patient overnight for observation.
    She’s under arrest.
We’ll observe her down in lockup.
    You want the
responsibility of removing her against medical advice?
    (off his hesitation)
    I didn’t think so.
    Madge triumphantly holds up something we
cannot see.
    I found it!
    A semi-private room with two beds.

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