Dusk With a Dangerous Duke
    He had discovered during the past few hours that he was slightly offended that Lady Netherley had not sought him out immediately when Lady Grace had presented herself at her door. It was simple enough to conclude that the marchioness had a few things to say about his dastardly neglect of the lady.
    At this moment, was Lady Netherley introducing Hunter’s betrothed to potential suitors in the hope of finding her a proper husband?
    The casual thought made him itch to punch something.
    Hunter supposed he would be forced to endure a stern lecture from Lady Netherley before she allowed him to see Lady Grace. She would have reminded him that this mess was of his own making. If he had courted Lady Grace as she had deserved, the lady would have been a part of their lives long ago. They most likely would have already married, and his promise to his grandmother would have been kept.
    And the best part of all would have been his cousin’s disappointment. His chance to steal Hunter’s inheritance would have expired once he had married and bedded his duchess.
    If it had been anyone else besides Vane’s sweet, generous mother, he would have demanded Lady Grace’s whereabouts and secured his betrothed within the hour. Once he applied for a special license, he would put an end to her nonsense of marrying another gent.
    Instead of collecting his bride, Hunter was sitting in Lord Clement’s study with Reign, Dare, and Sin only halfheartedly paying attention to the cards in front of him. His thoughts had drifted to several streets over, where according to Sin, Lady Netherley was likely to make an appearance since she was a good friend of Lady Lovelace.
    “Don’t think about it,” Sin advised, not glancing up from the cards in his hand.
    “I have no idea what you are talking about,” Hunter replied, feigning innocence.
    Dare seemed to have the advantage this evening since he was winning. His turn did not distract him from the conversation. “I believe Sin is referring to your desire to ignore everyone’s advice and attend Lord and Lady Lovelace’s ball.”
    He scowled at the worthless hand he had been dealt. Blast it, at this rate Dare was going to beggar them all.
    “I would not recommend it,” Reign said, giving him a knowing glance. “Charging into the ballroom and berating Vane’s mother for some imagined slight will serve no purpose.”
    “It will make me feel better,” Hunter said defiantly. “And the slight isn’t imagined. Lady Netherley should have had the decency to let me know my bride was in town.”
    “Clearly the lady had her own reasons not to tell you,” Dare mused. “Humiliating her in front of the ton will not coax her to support your side.”
    “Not to mention, Vane will cut out your tongue for upsetting his mother,” Sin pointed out.
    “I haven’t upset anyone. Yet.” Disgusted with his cards and the conversation, Hunter folded and slapped his cards facedown on the table. “No coaxing will be required when I get my hands on Lady Grace. She will obey me.”
    Sin, Dare, and Reign chuckled.
    Dare shook his head at Hunter’s lack of understanding. “My friend, I would refrain from using such words as obey until you have married the girl.”
    Reign nodded. “Women are contrary creatures. They tend to do the opposite when provoked.”
    Hunter raised his hands in mock surrender. “I am a reasonable gentleman. As long as the chit behaves, we will get along.”
    Sin pointed a finger at him. “You have never been reasonable when it comes to this young lady. You can barely stomach speaking her name out loud.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” Hunter scoffed, ignoring the fact that what the marquess said was essentially the truth. “Lady Grace. There. See. Are you satisfied?”
    “Aye. But you’ll never be if you keep behaving like an arse,” Sin said, and all three men had a good laugh over what they perceived as Hunter’s lack of understanding of women.
    Well, he had had enough.

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