Dying to Forget

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Book: Dying to Forget by Trish Marie Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trish Marie Dawson
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at him before standing from the chair to accept the small glass disk that hangs from a long metal chain from his proffered hand. It's clear and I study it to see where it will light up from, but I see nothing inside.
    “Oh, and Piper?”
    I look up at Drew once more. “Yes?”
    “Good luck.” He smiles reassuringly and I start to pick my shattered confidence up off the floor.
    The glass feels cool and refreshing as I lean against the bay window, watching with absentminded curiosity as the children run around their large playroom. This is where I go when Niles is busy and I’m not in a training session. I looked at my profile in the Consignment Department before heading back outside. It was strange to see my picture on the massive board with my name below it and the status: ACTIVE, WAITING ASSIGNMENT. I was able to find Kerry-Anne’s profile too and it read: ACTIVE, ON ASSIGNMENT. I looked for Mallory’s profile but couldn’t find it on the wall. There has to be thousands of Volunteer’s on the board.
    Not wanting to sit inside the building and just wait, I came here to watch the kids, figuring I have plenty of time before I’m assigned my first case. They have to match me with the right person, after-all.
    I notice that a few of the children from before are missing and there is one that I have not seen yet. He’s thin with very dark skin, dressed in car pajamas and less eager to play like the others are, though they keep trying to engage him in some sort of activity like tag or hide and seek. Eventually he pairs up with another boy, about eleven, and they begin a friendly game of dodge ball against two girls around their age. He can't be over ten years old. Somewhere I hope his parents miss him.
    I laugh watching them and hope that none of them stay at the Station for long. I’m engrossed in their game when a bright reddish-orange light beams me in the eyes, startling me, and I blink in alarm. I back away and see my reflection. My chest is ablaze.
    Am I on fire!?
    I pat awkwardly at the front of my shirt and when my fingers brush up against the necklace I grip it, holding it out in front of me as far as the thin chain will allow. It’s pulsating with light. I instantly relax when I realize I’m not on really on fire. But then my stomach clenches and my heart stops…I have an Assignment.
    Already? Niles! Where are you?

    My eyes take a moment to adjust to the Consignment hallway after being outside and I have to step around a group of chatting middle-aged women to pass through the doorway where the massive Assignment billboard is displayed. I find my profile immediately, but it says I’m still awaiting my Assignment. I don’t remember if Drew told me what to do when my necklace lit up, and I scan the room for a familiar face.
    “Mallory!” I say a silent Thank You in my head as she leans forward to give me an awkward hug. “I was starting to freak out. I’m not sure what to do,” I tell her.
    “Your first?” She looks down at my glowing necklace with reverence.
    “Yes. But I don’t know where to go.” My eyes dart around the room quickly; worried I may get into trouble if I take much longer.
    “It’s okay, Piper. I’ll show you. I just picked up my next case too.”
    She smiles at me and walks us to the first available partition. I feel as if I’m cutting in line, but I follow Mallory anyway. The girl behind the counter is startlingly young, maybe even younger than me. She has her straw-colored hair pulled back in a loose pony-tail and is wearing a bright green shirt with a cartoon character on it that I don’t recognize. She smiles at Mallory kindly.
    “Hi, Mal. Back so soon?”
    “Hi again Krista, this is Piper Willow. She just got her first Assignment and needs her card.” Card…what card?
    “First Assignment?” Krista nods at me with the same look of reverence Mallory gave me when she saw my glowing necklace.
    “Um, yes.” I

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