Earth Borne
located outside of his study, and her hand disobediently knocked. What was his impression of the accounts? She’d expended so much effort improving their circumstances, and well, he’d never proven himself capable in that area. In five weeks’ time, she vowed he wouldn’t leave them again in ruin.
    A loud “enter” boomed from inside, and she pushed through the door, treading into the room.
    “Kalliste.” Thereus arched a brow, clearly surprised at her presence.
    Yes, well, as am I.
    “How may I be of service, my Lady?” In human form, he pushed out of his chair but eased back while she marched straight to the desk.
    She frowned at the ledgers, strewn haphazardly across the entire desktop. “Do the accounts please you, my Lord?” Wryness seeped through her tone, unforced. She’d spent days categorizing those books.
    He’d taken seconds to throw her hard work into disarray.
    “Aye, they do, my Lady.” Sadness clouded his smile. “I can’t express my deep gratitude for what you’ve done. When I left…” His brows drew together. “I assumed my lands would go to one of my brothers, you would return to your people, and everyone would be better off. I didn’t seek any of the responsibility thrust upon me. I—”
    “That’s quite all right, my Lord,” she snapped. His confession was too much; his sincerity poked holes in her defenses and drained her anger. She couldn’t bear to hear his regrets. Not when she possessed so many. A male who humbled himself was too worthy. Her heart groaned under the added strain of another reason to admire him.
    Besides, his disclosures made her guilt sink, a pile of bricks in her gut. The temptation of divulging her secrets wavered on her tongue, but she forced her attention onto the accounts.
    As she fingered the pages of one ledger, a memory flashed through her mind. She peered at a bookcase. Part of the reason she’d taken so long to organize his study was because she’d spent half her time reading his personal journals. Had she not already been deep in love with Thereus, reading his secret thoughts would’ve plunged her to the bottom of the ocean.
    Through reading his words, she’d come to truly understand him, and what she’d lost when he’d disappeared. She’d empathized with the young Lord, with how devastated he’d been by his mother’s death. His actions had simply been the motivations of a man lost to grief. He’d been searching for a way to ease the hole in his heart. Sweet Thereus, if only you’d filled it with me.
    She sighed but started as the man she’d drifted off dreaming about stared intently at her. Only, he wasn’t the same male. A hardness vitrified the emerald of his eyes. Before, those depths were pools spun molten from his warmth. Now, an impenetrable gaze met hers. A male she did not recognize sat across from her. Did she even know him anymore?
    For years, she’d fancied herself in love with the dark Lord. When he’d returned, a part of her had leapt back into that fantasy. Yet this man was not the same as the one she’d loved. He was…changed.
    “Yes, we’ve done well.” She collected herself and inclined her head toward the books. “I’d never managed an estate before. I would have been lost without Alkippe and the other servants. It’s because of them our villagers are not starving.”
    “Aye, so I’ve seen. You’ve done a remarkable job, Kalliste.” He stretched his arms, rolled his shoulders, and relaxed into the chair. “I do have another confession. I’ve not been idle these past few years. I’ve had the management of a very profitable pyrate ship. I’m sure my share will please you.” Lacing his fingers behind his head, he smirked at her. So it was true. He was a pyrate.
    “I’ve made a small fortune, you see.” Pride coated his words. “One to ensure our village’s success for generations.”
    She narrowed her eyes at him. It doesn’t please me. “My Lord, the villagers are fine. They’re comfortable,

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