Echo Falls

Echo Falls by Jaime McDougall Page B

Book: Echo Falls by Jaime McDougall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaime McDougall
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    “You’re working late.”
    Thomas looked up to find Mia standing by his desk holding two coffees in Sophie’s cups. She smiled and walked over to him slowly, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked. She leaned down to place one cup in front of him and then pulled up a chair in front of his desk.
    “Still like it with half a sugar and a lot of milk?” she asked before taking a sip of hers.
    He looked at the coffee, wanting the pick me up but disgusted with the reminder of their past. “What do you want?”
    She sighed and traced her thumb around the rim of the cup cover. Sitting there with jeans and a pale blue blouse, her hair down and little makeup on her face, he could almost convince himself she was a sane, normal human being.
    “I miss you,” she whispered.
    “You didn’t miss me a year ago.” He scowled and looked down at the folder. He needed to keep his big mouth shut and not show her that it still hurt.
    “I know,” she said. “Biggest mistake of my life.”
    He snorted. He’d believe that the day he started believing in Santa.
    “I know you don’t believe me, but I do think what I did to you is the biggest mistake I have ever made. You are a good man and I just didn’t see it at the time I needed to.” She twirled a section of her hair around her fingertips. “I know you won’t forgive me, but I saw your car outside and I thought you might need a coffee. You always did work late when you had a hunch.”
    He looked up at her, at those pretty lying eyes, and saw no ill will there. Then again, he hadn’t seen the lies there before. He had found out the hard way by finding her in bed with another man. But tiredness settled around his shoulders and he couldn’t shake off the need for a coffee. The day had been too long to forgo it. He grabbed it and drank. She smiled.
    “Do you have a hunch about the murders?” she asked crossing her legs. He arched an eyebrow at her and she shrugged. “Like I said, you always work late when you have a hunch.”
    Studying her face, he decided that the shock value and her reaction would be worth sharing his theory. Worst case scenario, he could easily catch her with her wearing those heels. Best case? He had another mind to bounce ideas around with.
    “I think someone in the pack is working with the murderer.”
    She blinked and then shook her head. “No one in the pack would betray the rest of us like that. Would they?”
    So much for shock value. If she knew anything more about the murders than the rest of the pack, she’d trained herself well not to show it. He could believe that she would.
    “Well, it’s the hunch I have.”
    “It seems like a pretty harsh conclusion to come to.” She looked away for a moment and then back at him. “Do you think that new woman has anything to do with it?”
    “No. Not only was she attacked and almost killed the night of the third murder, she couldn’t have known that the other two victims were Weres.”
    She stood up and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Well, I should let you get back to it, then. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.” She paused at the door and looked back at him. “I will always miss you.”
    He sighed and looked at the door after she’d gone. “I miss you, too.”


    “How are you feeling?”
    Phoebe looked at the trees whizzing past the truck window and wondered if she really knew the answer to the question. She’d felt nothing but numb since they’d gotten into Aidan’s truck and driven past the outskirts of Echo Falls further into the mountains. Hearty trees made up most of the view with glimpses of purple mountains in the distance. The sun had set behind them already, sending the damp summer dusk air into fog that snaked across the cracked asphalt of the mountain roads.
    The sounds of the engine and tires slowly made her relax. She’d always loved driving. Only recently had it become about driving until only fumes were left in the tank, racing to get

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