Elijah And The Widow (Lancaster County Weddings 4)
coffee mugs with fixings and debated whether to cook eggs now or closer to the workers’ arrival time. After the coffee had perked, she transferred the fragrant brew from the pot to a thermal decanter. Then she set about to make a second pot. When the coffee was ready, she brought the cups, coffee decanter and a thermos of hot water for tea outside.
    Most but not all of the church community men would come to help out. Among the workers would be her relatives, the Amos Kings, all of the Samuel Lapps, the William Masts and the Abram Peachys. Mentally calculating to make sure she’d made enough food, Martha smiled. She always enjoyed spending time with family and friends, and the people coming were among her favorites.
    The Samuel Lapps arrived first, just as the light of dawn brightened the sky. Samuel parked his buggy and climbed out, followed by his sons Isaac, Daniel and Joseph. Katie stepped out of the passenger side, followed by Hannah, the couple’s youngest child. But there was no sign of Eli.
    Amos and Mae arrived soon afterward with their two sons, John and Joshua. Amos would be trying out Ike’s new farm equipment today, and Martha detected a hint of excitement among the men. Jacob Lapp came next with a small plow in the back of Horseshoe Joe’s wagon. Peter Zook rode in the front seat beside him.
    Martha managed to stifle a frown. There was still no sign of Eli.
    Smiling, Katie approached with her daughter. “Guder Marriye!”
    Martha’s lips curved in response. “And a fine day to you, Katie . ”She beamed at the woman’s daughter.“ Hallo ,Hannah.” A delicious scent wafted from the food dish in Katie’s arms. “You’ve brought breakfast.”
    “ Ja , egg casserole with sausage and potatoes,” Katie said. “Hannah, would you please put this dish on the table? Be careful. It’s still hot.” She handed her daughter the dish, which was wrapped in a heavy bath towel.
    “Sounds wonderful.” Martha watched Hannah hurry to the food table and set down the casserole dish. The girl placed it beside a plate of muffins, then scurried back to her mother’s side.
    Martha felt her gaze drawn to Samuel and Jacob, who, together with Peter Zook, hefted a small plow from the back of Horseshoe Joe’s wagon and set it safely on the ground. When they were done, Jacob headed in the women’s direction. “I understand we’ll have a lot of help today.”
    Katie nodded. “ Ja , my husband and sons and many more.” She smiled as Jacob reached them. “How’s Annie?”
    “Tired and at home, I’m afraid.” Jacob looked apologetic as he met Martha’s gaze. “She wanted to come, but—”
    “I told her to stay home and rest,” Martha interjected with a smile and saw his relief.
    “Jacob, where’s Eli?” Hannah asked her big brother.
    “He’ll be along.” He gestured toward the end of the dirt driveway. “Look!” Eli had made the turn from the paved road onto her farm property. He was riding on the back of a large plow drawn by two draft horses.
    Martha watched with an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach at the sight of him. As if realizing that he was being watched, he halted, grinned at them, then took off his straw hat and waved with it.
    “He’s a tease,” his mother said fondly.
    “He’s a gut man,” Jacob reminded her, and Katie agreed with a silent nod. “Those are Joe’s horses and plow. Joe asked if he would help, and Eli would never say no to a friend who asked a favor of him.”
    The blond man, who was the topic of discussion, settled his hat back on his head and drove the plow into the barnyard. Martha watched as Jacob met his twin brother.
    “I thought you’d never get here, bruder ,” Jacob teased as Eli climbed down from his seat.
    “ Ya think it easy to be driving down the street when there’s traffic?” Eli shuddered. “I worried that a speeding car would spook the horses and they’d drag me down the road never to be seen or heard from again.”
    Peter gave a bark of

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