Empress of Wolves

Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson Page A

Book: Empress of Wolves by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Aislynn d' Merricksson
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allow the War Mage to teleport himself and Shingar out of the Forest with no ill effects, a feat he would otherwise have been unable to pull off.
    A soft knock on the door interrupted them. Without waiting to be acknowledged, Cleric Eddasson walked in, flanked by two of the Guard. The young Cleric beamed at them.
    “Good. You are all awake and looking well. The Emperor would like to see you,” Zacharias said.
    “The Emperor fares well?” Kalla asked. The Cleric nodded.
    “Indeed he does, no thanks to the young Lord kyl'Malkador here. And your own efforts, milady. He would like to see you as soon as possible. If you will please come with us.” He turned to exit, then looked back at Kalla again, eyes full of hidden laughter. “And the answer to your question is yes, milady, as soon as we may.”
    Kalla frowned at the departing Cleric and followed him out the doors. The others filed in behind her, with the two Guard taking up the rear. They were taken not to the conference room this time, but to Sykes' own quarters. More Guard were posted around the doors. They gave the group of Magi an assessing look, still not sure how angered they should truly be. Zacharias knocked on the door, and at a soft command from within, led the group into the room.
    Sykes sat in a chair surrounded by a number of people- High Cleric Morgansson, the Fleet Admiral, Sir Marcus, now dressed in the uniform of Praetor, and, to Kalla' surprise, Admiral Karlgraffsson. The Emperor looked weary and careworn. He cast a look towards the newcomers, his dark blue eyes tired and thoughtful. He rose heavily to his feet and bowed graciously to her.
    “Lady kyl'Solidor. Or should I call you Lady of Wolves?” At her shocked look he smiled and elaborated. “The High Clerics have told me all about who and
you are. Admiral Karlgraffsson has confirmed what he could. I thank you, Lady, for freeing me from Grosso's influence.
    “It feels… it feels as if I have been half-asleep this whole time. And to think, I ignored the counsel of those I should have most trusted.” Sykes paused, looking to Sir Lukas. The Magister met his gaze unflinching. “You have my apologies, Sir Lukas, for ever doubting your loyalty. Glad I am that young Lord kyl'Malkador came along when he did.”
    “I did what I felt needed to be done, Your Grace. I'm only sorry that I didn't succeed.” Lukas replied.
    “People make mistakes, Your Grace. The point is what you learn from it. All's well that ends well, as the Arkaddians are wont to say. It's a good philosophy,” Kalla said with a sly look at Kasai. The hawk scowled at her a moment, before returning the grin.
    “As you say, all's well that ends well. The Lady is right, Your Grace. You are alive, as is Sir Lukas. Grosso is gone, along with his influence. You did not end up in an unnecessary war,” Kasai said.
    “I'm glad to see you chose Marcus to replace James. He will serve you well,” Lukas said softly.
    “Yes, I have little doubt of that, Sir Lukas,” Sykes said sadly. He turned his attention back to Kalla. “Great Lady, what reparations would you have of me, to repay our discourtesy?”
    “You owe no such reparations. But, we were in earnest when we said that Dashmar seeks an alliance with Argoth. Both would benefit, I should think. It is true that Dashmar is full of a great many natural resources. The Wolf People have little use for metals or gems. What they do have need of is the availability of more food. Life in the mountains is harsh. I would have it be less so,” Kalla said.
    “Very well, Lady Kalla. Shall we return to the conference room? I think breakfast would be in order before anything else,” Sykes said. She nodded and followed as the Emperor and his people left the room. She fell in step beside Ventaal.
    “I am glad to see you are well, Kalla,” he said softly.
    “Thank you. But, Admiral, what are you doing here? You must have gotten in some time last night.”
    “Aye, the Fleet Admiral summoned me.

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