Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3)

Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) by April Bowles Page B

Book: Endless Night (Fate's Intent Book 3) by April Bowles Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Bowles
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“Can you tell me now?” She pulled her arm away and turned towards me.
    “Just thought you should know that your boyfriend is here.”
    “Kole is not my boyfriend and I already know he was to bring Adele here.”
    “No. Not him.” I took a quick glance back towards the ballroom to make sure no one was coming but it only heightened her curiosity. “Your—other one.”
    She played it well like she didn’t know. “My other one?”
    I tried to be calm about this because she had to know that I knew by now but she was playing it like I didn’t and I already had enough. “Damn it, Jay! Quit fucking around! Troy’s here!”
    She gasped. “Did Ryon find you?”
    “You think I needed him to? Them coming here means more work for us so you can keep your head.”
    “I didn’t plan this but you knew the whole time, didn’t you? Even when we first got back?”
    “I don’t think any of that matters now. You should already know what I think about this, Jay.”
    “Your opinion doesn’t matter to me.”
    “I’ve noticed but have you realized that you’ve completely lost it this time? I should forbid this.”
    “Forbid it?” Jay started showing her own signs of rage. “You’re not my father, you know. I don’t need your permission to do anything. When are you going to get that?”
    “Maybe when you grow up and start making better choices for yourself!”
    “My choices are fine! You’re the one that always disapproves!”
    I laughed. Her stubbornness began to amuse me. “You just don’t get it do you? Have you forgotten who he is?”
    “That doesn’t matter to me. This war is stupid and you know it! It’s not even really a war anymore. It’s more like a feud where two sides don’t communicate.”
    “Stupid or not, a war is still what it is and enemies will always be enemies. You don’t fully know him enough to trust him like you think you do and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
    “Troy would never hurt me. You’re the one that does.”
    “I’m looking out for you! What would father think if he could see you now? If he wasn’t already dead, he’d want to be.”
    Jay’s eyes started to water with mention of it and she turned them away from me. “Thanks a lot.”
    “Well, you know it’s true. You’re betraying everything he stood for by being with him.”
    “Stop trying to get me to feel bad for that. I’m not changing it now. You can say whatever you want but it won’t work.”
    “I know, Jay. You love him.”
    She turned her head back with a soft voice but her eyes were still watered. “I want to believe that you’re going to leave this alone but I know you won’t.”
    “Well, I can’t give him my approval just like that if that’s what you’re wondering.”
    “I never expect you to.”
    “And if I ever did, would that just completely shock you?”
    “You’d have to be drunk.”
    “Really? Why would you say that?”
    “It’s the only way you would do it but I don’t need you to because I’m going to be with him whether you like it or not. He’s staying with me.”
    “Is that so?”
    Jay lightly gasped and raised her tone with me. “If you even think of hurting him, I swear—” She paused and watched my uninterested expression. “You’re already planning to, aren’t you?”
    “And what would make you think that?”
    “We shouldn’t have left them alone.” Jay uttered the words to herself and quickly turned to get back into the ballroom.
    “Easily convinced sister—check. Now it’s your move.” It was maybe too easy. Whether I meant anything I just said to her, she would do exactly what I wanted because of it. Everything was working out—perfectly.

    Chapter 15
    Time sometimes alludes me. It feels as though I just got here and just got to see Adele again but she was gone just as quickly and now that she is, time has almost stopped. We waited in her room for one of two things; her to come back or Ryon to come

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