Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance by Alyssa Shannon Page A

Book: Everyone Deserves a Second Chance by Alyssa Shannon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Shannon
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pushed as hard as she could. She heard
his sharp intake of breath as she ground the heel of her palm into
the bruise on his chest and tried to sit up. While the momentary
pain distracted him she shoved her hand down his pocket in search
of her keys. She pulled her hand away just as quickly as she came
in contact with his growing hardness.
    She found herself reaching
for him before she could register what she was doing. Her tongue
forced his lips open as she kissed him, and he her, with a passion
not forgotten. Her hands slid underneath his shirt and her fingers
traced the well-defined dips and ridges of his hard chest muscles.
She heard his sharp intake of breath as she jerked up his shirt and
caught one of his nipples in her mouth, teasing it with her lips,
teeth, and tongue until it was as hard as he was.
    He cursed a blue streak and
scrambled off the couch when her fingers reached for the zipper on
his jeans and let it down. His breathing was hard and unsteady as
he zipped his pants, pulled down his shirt, and disappeared out the
front door.
    Lindsey groaned and put her
hands back up to her head to rub at the ache of her throbbing

“Did you find them?" Brenda asked as she watched
Marcus come back into the barn, his hands shoved deep into his
    "Oh…no, I
didn't. I know I have scissors around here somewhere." He
glanced down at the floor before he disappeared into the tack
room. As he open one tack box and then another, shifting through
the contents inside, he heard Brenda's footsteps behind him.
    "Its okay Marcus,
Lauren decided to use that thingy you cut the strings off of the
hay with."
    "The hay cutter."
    "Yeah, that thing."
Brenda watched Marcus close his eyes and lean against the tack
box. "Marcus, are you okay?"
    "I'm fine." He
straightened instantly and gave her a lopsided smile. "Let's
help your little stinker get Tonka finished. I still have to feed
the cattle for the night."
    "Oh, well we'll be
okay without you. I didn't mean to keep you from getting things
done." Brenda wrapped her arm around his and kissed him on
the cheek. The light stubble on his jaw felt rough against her
mouth, but delightful at the same time.
    "You sure?"
    "I'm positive. After
she's finished braiding his mane and tail we'll put the blanket
back on him and put him back in his stall."
    "Okay. Have Lauren
give him a flake of hay also. Something to keep him busy."
Marcus gave her a pat on the cheek, grabbed a saddle and bridle,
and left the tack room without a backwards glance.
    Brenda looked worriedly
after him before she went back to where Lauren and Garrett were
braiding the horse's mane and tail. Tonka gave a soft sigh and
looked at Brenda with his large brown eyes. She gave the horse a
rub on the nose as he stood so patiently with the two children.
    "Are you almost done
    "Yeah. We just have
to get the last part of his mane. Can you tie these ribbons in it
for me? I tried but they keep coming out." Lauren jumped
down from the stepping stool she'd been standing on and handed
the ribbon to her mother.
    "Can't we do this in
the morning? They'll probably come out tonight."
    "Oh well, we can put
them back in again if they do." The little girl turned to
Garrett. "Right Garrett?"
    The little boy looked up
at Brenda and smiled. His unruly hair and dark eyes reminded her
so much of Marcus it took her a second to return the smile, and
it was only half hearted at most. However, the little boy had
already turned his attention back to Lauren and hadn't noticed.
    Brenda threaded a ribbon
through the gelding's mane and tied it with a quick jerk. She
tried to fight the anger rising within her using the relaxation
techniques she taught her clients. To her disappointment it
didn't work. One ribbon after another she gave an angry jerk to
tie them until she was out of the shiny material and Tonka was
eying her with annoyance.
    "Sorry boy."
She patted the horse's neck and ran her hand along the soft fur
of his coat.
    "All done

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