lift of the heavy objects behind them. They waited as the defender came closer to reveal a woman holding a jousting lance with a deadly forked tip and a katana in the other hand. “You are not authorized to be here and those ships… aren’t running?” she was confused by that after noticing the engines were off, made no noise and didn’t have any pilots. Then she touched the side of the helmet and zoomed closer to get a closer look and said “Oh! Sorry brothers and sister. I didn’t get word you arrived or were coming.” “ Because we didn’t tell anyone yet. I apologize.” Came from the deep voice of Oliver. He touched his com. “Elder Scythe,” He waited a moment as the call was sent. “we’ve arrived early and I’m going to take residence in the city for the duration of the mission.” “ Fortune favors me then, for I’m in the city as we speak watching over the civilians and make sure they wipe their asses correctly. I could use the company. Come on in.” “ We’re coming from the east.” He informed as the Huntress returned to hiding in the canopy. The crater caused by the Dorgenox’s Ripper came into view. It was mandatory since there was a poison too deadly to leave on the planet when last they came. The lake Renee made to hold all the water that had drowned the city remained, but there were changes. Large shuttles made of metal were parked on the ground. Gemstone housing were grown in strategic locations, creating a barrier to keep Beasts at bay to protect civilian scientists and archeologists granted special permission to the uncovered city. Transplanted trees proved to be of Inferno variety since the land was cleared and the soil rich to eventually harvest the fruit to make Booster Oil for faster FTL travel. Zerika’s preservation laws prevent deforestation, but the crater was too good a resource to let go unused. It will take more months to fill the crater. But clearly the areas were cleared around one of four entrances to the ancient city and were under heavy Marine guard rather than Hunter. Waiting alone was the battleaxe black man of great stature who was in the appearance of a late twenties to early thirties, but was centuries older. Elder Scythe stood out in a vacant area and the group came in. He raised an eyebrow at the Creelin, but came forward to shake Oliver’s hand as massive feline forms came charging down the crater in perfect synchronization. “Welcome, Brother.” “ It’s good to see you, Scythe. You’re stronger.” “ By a bit. As is everyone in my village thanks to your mate’s gene therapy. I must say I now see why you love Beast flesh raw now. It’s delicious.” “ Did you go up a Class?” “ Almost. In a few weeks I will most likely… Is that Davan Took ? The wanted criminal?” Scythe’s demeanor darkened. Davan cowered behind Renee of all people at being noticed, but she said “Yup, but he is innocent. He didn’t kill anyone of his free will. He was hijacked by illegal nanites and…” The massive warrior raised a hand. “Enough. He is a wanted criminal on Verard for murder and cyber terrorism.” “ But…” Jessica spoke to defend him too. “ No more arguing. Davan Took, come before me this instant.” Elder Scythe didn’t notice Oliver had even slipped past his mental defenses and is why he said and did nothing. Realizing running wasn’t an option, Davan came forth, eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. Elder Scythe reached behind and withdrew Psionic restraints and bound both hands in front of the man. The shackles were unbreakable since the man’s Psionics were suppressed. “I give you this one option, Mr. Took.” This surprised Davan, but he dare not look from the ground. “Either I hand you over to the Marines and have them transfer you to Verad for trial and execution or you become my prisoner and stand under a full Elder’s council after we deal with the threat facing us. Know this, if not for Oliver being a brother, I