Facing the Storm Along the Oregon Trail
was determined to cross.
    Ahead of them a bridge was out and they didn’t realize and it had swelled way over the road. Their father found a spot where he thought he could cross safely, but since he could not see because of the wind, he didn’t realize he was crossing a deep part that had high current.
    As they tried to cross, the horses got spooked and the buggy tipped over spewing both their parents out and they were swept away in the current. Their mother was found lying close to the bridge and she had gotten wrapped around some brush, but was not able to keep her head up out of the water long enough to be saved. As Emily looked at Benjamin, they both had tears in their eyes when they remembered the day they were told about their parents, and she just snuggled up to him saying “We’ll be fine Benjamin; the Lord will guide us through”.
    The two did not realize that it was possible that they would cross by ferry, so their thoughts were on crossing it in their wagon and this kept them both quiet for some time.

Chapter Two
    Crossing the Platte
    COMING UP TO the Platte River, the two of them were filled with excitement and fear and as they pulled their wagon over with the rest, they looked out across that water, worrying how they would make it across. As they were standing there the Captain must have sensed their fear and he approached them with some news.
    “Mr. and Mrs. Whetstone, I’d like to know if you two would consider being one of the few that will cross by ferry.” Hearing this their eyes lit up and a weight of worry was lifted from their shoulders. “What do you mean we’re crossing by ferry?” Emily asked.
    “Yes ma’am, there will be some who shall cross by ferry. We do not have time for all to wait on the ferry, but we can allow several wagons to cross that way. Would you like to be one of the few?”
    “Oh yes, Captain, that would be a wonderful blessing. I’m not sure I’m ready to cross in my wagon yet,” Emily confessed.
    “Well then, that shall be arranged,” the Captain said with a wink of his eye and rode away to the front of the train. In a few moments he rode back to them and told them to pull on up ahead and he would help them get loaded up on the ferry.
    It was almost as if someone had whispered their great fear into his ear. Emily counted this as their very first blessing from God and she at once began praising God for His touch in this situation.
    They did as the Captain said and pulled their oxen and wagon up to the river. The Captain announced that they would let the oxen cross through the river, but that they could ride the ferry over and their eyes shone with joy.
    So, their first experience of crossing a river in a wagon would be delayed, at least for now.
    After they had gotten across and as the other wagons were crossing, Emily walked over to the Captain saying “Captain Shallows, I would like to thank you for your very kind gesture. We had family that died as they attempted to cross a stream in their buggy, and not too long ago.
    “So, we appreciate your kindness”.
    “My dear, no need to thank me, the good Lord knows best.” And, with his words, Emily felt warmed that the Captain must be hearing from God and this made her feel much safer than she had when she began the journey.
    After she ran back to Benjamin, she explained to him what the Captain had said and they both just sat and stared at him and then thanked God for His works in their lives.
    There were still about ten more wagons to get across the river and Emily could not rest until all ten had made it. As she watched each wagon, she prayed that each would make it through with no problems and as the last one rolled up the bank, she lifted her arms in praise.
    Now the wagons would all be pulled to the side and each family would be allowed to get out and stretch and visit with others on the trail, taking the time to cook a light meal and fill their barrels with water if need be.
    Here, many of the wagon families

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