Fallen Rogue

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Book: Fallen Rogue by Amy Rench Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Rench
Tags: Fiction
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he was digging through the clutter in Bobby’s office that Jeff would have expected him back by now—with Harper in tow, dead or alive.
    Well, the woman most certainly was alive. And he’d inexplicably committed himself to help her. So it was somewhat possible Jeff was looking for him as well. But he was pretty damn sure whoever was bumbling around out there was after the enigmatic woman standing right behind him with her hand resting lightly on his shoulder blade.
    He turned toward her. Is there a way to the back? he mouthed. Damn, she was close. Close enough that he dropped his gaze to her full lips. He nearly moaned when the tip of her tongue poked out to wet them. Sheer willpower forced his attention back to her eyes. She shook her head no.
    Tearing his gaze back to the hallway, he noticed shadows milling around near their position. Could Harper and he get through the window and to the Land Rover without causing alarm? It was likely that the intruders didn’t know they were even here.
    Deciding their best tactical option was to run, he turned to look at Harper, then immediately pulled her to the floor in a tangled crouch. Outside the window he caught a glimpse of motion. Damn it all to hell. Whoever was out there was going to find his car.
    He and Harper had to do something fast before they were completely trapped.
    “There’s a window in the office.” Harper’s breathy voice in his ear gave him a jolt. Shake it off, boy.
    He nodded, trying to clear his mind, which was tough considering the snug contact of their bodies. He peeked around the corner. All clear. If they moved fast, theymight beat the intruders to the car via the office window. “Let’s go.” He readied his gun, barrel down, wrist steady, and grabbed her hand, hauling her up with him.
    Leading her cautiously down the hallway, he hugged the wall, briefly smiling when he noticed her doing the same. As they reached the doorway, he pulled her with him inside the room.
    “Stop!” boomed a loud voice. Crack! A bullet splintered the doorframe directly above Harper’s head.
    Too damn close. They needed a new plan. Rome was smart enough to know when to give in. But he never gave up.
    “Get out here now,” the man commanded. “With your hands on your head.” Maybe they didn’t know he was there. Maybe he could catch them off guard. But that left Harper alone to face them.
    Yes, she was tough, but against the hostile firepower that was probably out there? She was wanted dead or alive. Which, to most agents, meant dead. If they had been sent by Jeff, there wasn’t much that would stop them from pulling their triggers.
    “All right,” Rome answered loudly enough for anyone in the house to hear. “We’re coming out.” He nodded to Harper and gave her a look he hoped was reassuring. She narrowed her eyes and tightened her lips, but nodded back. “It’s going to be okay,” he told her in a low voice, and gave her arm a comforting squeeze.
    Moving ahead of her, he holstered his gun and put his hands on his head, motioning her to mimic him. He was thankful she did, though she seemed a bit more passive than the woman he knew—albeit briefly.
    As soon as he stepped out into the hallway, two men roughly grabbed his upraised arms and dragged him into the trashed living room. Gritting his teeth, hewatched as they did the same to Harper. His captors abruptly stopped and Harper stumbled as she was shoved to a halt next to him. The men moved around to face the two of them.
    “Are you Harper Kane?” one asked in a blunt tone.
    Rome wasn’t sure whether she would answer. He kept staring straight ahead, not wanting to tip them off in case she didn’t.
    “Are you Harper Kane?” the man repeated curtly, and raised his rifle to settle it against her chest, as if she had a bull’s-eye over her heart.
    Rome held back a twitch and looked sideways at her face, trying to gauge her reaction. Would she cave in? Maybe, maybe not. He was guessing not, but he

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