Fallen Ward (Deepwoods Saga Book 3)
didn’t think you’d noticed me.” Grae sat on his haunches, arms resting casually on his knees, looking quite comfortable and relaxed. “So, Siobhan. What has you so preoccupied that you can’t hear me calling to you?”
    Only three people in the guild could be trusted to keep a secret and give good counsel when confided in. Grae was one of the three. Even knowing that, it still required her to summon up a little courage before asking, “Is Wolf in love with me?”
    Grae blinked, expression saying he hadn’t expected that question, then he got an odd look on his face. “You mean, you didn’t know until now?”
    For some reason, she felt like she had to clarify. “No, I know he loves me, that’s obvious. He loves most of the guild dearly. I mean, in love with me.”
    “Yes, Shi, I meant that too,” Grae responded patiently. “He’s been in love with you for at least seven years that I know of. Not that he’s ever come out and said the words, but I think most of the guild has realized it at some point.”
    She just sat there with her mouth hanging open like some sort of beached fish.
    Grae put a hand under her chin and closed her mouth for her. “Before you gather any flies, close it. Shi, you honestly mean to tell me that before this you didn’t realize? Really? I thought you knew but didn’t return the feeling, so were pretending you didn’t know.”
    Siobhan felt like the sea and the sky had changed places, her shock was so intense. In fact, her whole body felt almost numb, yet charged with energy at the same time. “How…could I not have seen…?”
    “I couldn’t tell you.” Grae charitably gave her a few minutes to process this before gently asking, “Did he say something to you?”
    “No. Well, yes…no, not in words.” She had to restart as her mind couldn’t seem to focus long enough to get a full sentence out. “We were talking, after that fight we had, and I asked him a question, and he gave me this look,” she didn’t know how else to describe it, “and I somehow knew. I’ve never had a man look at me like that before.”
    “You probably have,” Grae corrected in amusement, eyes crinkling up at the corners. “Wolf just made sure you didn’t notice and they didn’t try it again.”
    Now, why didn’t that surprise her?
    “Well, if he didn’t say anything, that means you have time to think about this.”
    “I’ve spent three days thinking about this and I’m more confused than ever!” Siobhan wailed.
    “Then maybe it’s time to stop thinking.” Grae put a hand on her shoulder and leaned in slightly. “Shi. You think and analyze the cons and pros of every decision before you make it. It’s why you’re such a good guildmaster. We know, when you tell us to do something, that you’ve made the best decision possible because you thought it through from every angle. But love has nothing to do with reason. I think this—” he put a hand over her heart “—already knows the answer. Why don’t you try just listening?”
    Sound advice, if she could manage it. Listening to what your own heart said was sometimes the hardest thing to do.
    His next piece of advice was more practical. “But do your soul searching after you’ve eaten lunch. You tend to make better decisions on a full stomach.”
    A point she could not argue. Sighing, she got to her feet, hauling her bag of stones with her. Sure, she could eat something, and then spend the rest of the day thinking in circles. That sounded like a splendid plan.
    It wasn’t a good sign when she was being sarcastic with herself.
    There were only two reliable methods to getting the kinks out after a day of stone gathering: either pestering someone into massaging you or taking a hot bath. Since they had plenty of bathing chambers available, Siobhan went for the latter option. She stopped by her room briefly for a clean change of clothes, making a mental note to do laundry, and then went back downstairs and toward the

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