and rifle photos
and Russo
and Shaw
television program on
and U.S. intelligence
and voting register
and Warren Report
Oswald, âLeonâ
Oswald, Marina
Oswald in New Orleans
Ovitz, Mike
Paine, Ruth
Palmer, Henry Earl
as informant
and Ku Klux Klan
and Oswald
and Rarick
story of
testimony of
Panzeca, Salvatore
Parker, Jessie
Parkland Hospital
Perrin, Robert L.
Pesci, Joe
Peterson, Niles âLeftyâ
Petroleum Club
Phelan, James
article on Garrison investigation
and covering Garrison story
and evidence
and Garrison
on Garrison
interviews with Garrison
and Las Vegas
and NBC White Paper
and Russo
and Sciambra
as witness for defense
and Woodward
Photographs of Shaw and Ferrie
Pistol whipping
Planer, Ed
Playboy Club
Porter, Marina Oswald
Posner, Gerald
Post-hypnotic suggestion
Preliminary hearing
Press Club bar
Private financing of public prosecutors.
See also
Expense of investigation; Truth and Consequences
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)
Propinquity theory
Prouty, L. Fletcher
Quiroga, Carlos
Rand, Ayn
Rarick, John
Rault, Joseph M.
Ray, Ellen
Reagan, Ronald
Reid, Bill
Reily Coffee Company
Report from Iron Mountain
Review board of JFK files
Rice, John
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Riefenstahl, Leni
Robertson, Willard E.
Robinson, Jane Ann
Robinson, W. O.
Rogers, Jack N.
Rolland, R.C. âChuckâ
Ruby, Jack
Rusconi, Jane
Rush to Judgement
Russey, Miles De
Russo, Perry
and assassination plot
and Bertrand
and Clinton witnesses
damage suit against
and Ferrie
and Garrison
and his testimony
hypnosis of
and interviews
and NBC White Paper
and objectifying procedure
and OâKeefe
and Oswald
and Oswald/Lewallen
personality of
and polygraph
and preliminary hearing
preperation of
sanity of
on Sciambra
sexuality of
and Shaw
Shaw vs. Garrison
and sodium pentothal
suggestibility of
transcript of questioning by Garrison
at trial
Sackett, Russ
Samoluk, Thomas
Saturday Evening Post, The
Savoy, Brother
Schuster, Peter
Sciambra, Andrew
and Clinton/Clinton witnesses
and Collins
and East Louisiana State Hospital
and Ferrie
and Phelan
and Russo
and Shaw
and testifying at trial
Scorsese, Martin
Search warrent for Shawâs home
Semel, Terry
Shaney, Lyndal
Shaw, Clay
acquittal of
and Andrews
and arrest
and assassination plotting session
and bail
and Bertrand
and CIA
and Clinton/Clinton witnesses
and Cuba
death of
description of
and Eastern Airlines VIP room
expenses of
explanation of items seized
and FBI
and Ferrie
files of
first naming of
first questioning of
and Garrison
on Garrison
history of
and the International Trade Mart
interviews of
journal of
and Life photographer
and media
and meeting Kennedy
and New Orleans
and Panzeca
and perjury charges
portrayal of, in
preliminary hearing of
and press conferences
questioning of
rights of
and risk
and Russo
search of home of
and speaking engagements
and spy accusations
taking the stand
testimony of
trial of
and truth tests
upon hearing verdict
views of Kennedy
and the Wegmanns
witnesses for
and WWII
Shaw/Bertrand witnesses
Shea, Frank J.
Sheridan, Walter
Sheridan Square Press
Shilstone, Cecil Maxwell
Simmons, Richard
Sklar, Zachery
Smith, Sandy
Smith, Sergio Arcacha
Smith, Winston
âSmith Case, Theâ
Snyder, Barbara
Snyder, David
and Ferrie
and fondling charge against Garrison
and Garrisonâs expenses
and Russo
and Shaw
Sodium Pentothal
Southeastern Louisiana College
Spacek, Sissy
Spanish Stables
Spiegel, Herbert
Spiesel, Charles
Springer, Eva
St. Francisville
Staples, Brent
Star Spangled Contract, The
Stern, Edith
Stone, Oliver.
See also JFK
adaptation of events for
and Andrews
and critics
and Ferrieâs fear
and Garrison
and âfree
Alexandra Coutts
S. L. Scott
Jane Charles
Mickey Spillane
Georges Perec
Bentley Little
Peter Orullian
Cassandra Rose Clarke
Meara Platt
Amy Raby