once all of the sexing was over. So, I had to ensure that my sources were accurate, and that everything ran smoothly.
Once I exited the plane, there was a driver waiting outside for me. He was a nice, tall, handsome white guy with eyes the color of the ocean in Jamaica, and looked just as clean as the shiny cream stretch Rolls Royce that was parked behind him. The expression on his face must to have mirrored mine because I liked what I saw, and he looked as if he felt the same. He took my bags from the cart I had pushed through the airport and loaded them in the trunk of the town car.
“Make yourself comfortable, we have at least an hour’s ride in this traffic before we arrive at the estate”, he said in a deep baritone voice that, if I had closed my eyes, would have easily made me think the late great Barry White had spoken to me.
I didn’t say anything; I just moved to the door he opened for me and melted into the butter-soft interior of the sweet-smelling car. Periodically I caught his eye watching me through the rearview mirror. After about the fifth time, I decided to give him a show. By now we were about forty-five minutes into the drive, and I would definitely make that last fifteen very entertaining.
Moving to the edge of the spacious seat, I pulled my flare skirt up and folded it across my stomach. I removed my thong panties so that my entire lower half was exposed. I started by sucking on my finger and using the moisture left on it from my mouth to rub across my clit. I smiled a wicked smile as I watched him try to drive the car straight and watch me at the same time.
Using my other hand to open my lips, I used my free hand to finger myself, moaning out loud and tossing my head from side to side. Spotting the bottle of Dom resting in the ice bucket, I first grabbed an ice cube, pushed it inside, and used my walls to push it back out repeatedly until the ice was gone. When I set up to grab the bottle out I saw that he had took the liberty of releasing his erection from the confines of his pants and was stroking his length with one hand while he controlled the wheel with the other.
I smiled at him, and leaned back again. The top of the bottle was smooth, and the bottle was a little heavy, but I worked it the best way I could. I first rubbed the smooth cap over my clit and down my slit until the top was at my opening. I began pushing the bottle in slowly, and the driver swerved to the right, almost banging into the car next to us. He quickly regained control of the vehicle, and I finished my show.
I moved the bottle in and out of me at a snail’s pace, and I closed my eyes listening to his heavy breathing and picturing a real dick inside of me. We must have exploded at the same time, because I heard him moan loudly, and when I sat up I could see his cream covering the steering wheel and the front of his suit jacket. We were at the gates of the house by then, and from my positioning in the back I could see him wiping his mess up with a handkerchief. I rose up, and wiped my juices from the bottle and set it back in the ice bucket as if nothing had happened, afterwards straightening my clothes and primping in the mirror to make sure I looked good.
The good doctor and his wife greeted me with open arms, and after a brief tour of their estate I was shown to my suite, where I would be for the next couple of days. Later that night I would be escorting them to the swing party, and I needed my beauty rest because those parties always get wild.
By nine we were dressed and in the car, on our way to a night of pleasure. Dr. Montgomery cracked open the bottle of Dom as soon as we got in the car, and I smiled and glanced at the driver as I held my cup over for a drink. Mrs. Montgomery was a nervous wreck, but I assured her she would be fine, and to just relax and have a good time.
My connection met us at the door, and after a brief introduction we were escorted into the main foyer for the party. Now, most people expect to walk

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