Fatal Judgment
family room, do I?”
    “Is there anything in there worth stealing?”
    “No. Besides, most of my stuff is still in boxes. I’m just renting the house while I look for one to buy, so I haven’t bothered to unpack.”
    “Then you can avoid that room.” If Cole didn’t agree with that decision, tough.
    “How long will I be in the condo?”
    “Until it’s safe for you to leave.” He knew she wanted a more definitive answer, but that was the best he could offer.
    The door opened, and Spence stuck his head inside. “Any time you’re ready.”
    Jake took Liz’s arm. “Now is good. Let’s move.”
    Guiding her out, he set a brisk pace as they traversed a maze of corridors and took a service elevator to the lower level. As it descended, Spence tapped in Dan’s number and alerted him they were moments away.
    The transfer to the Suburban was smooth and swift. Spence stepped outside the door. The vehicle pulled close to the exit, and he opened the back door. Jake hustled Liz into the car, sliding in next to her. Spence circled the vehicle and took a seat beside her on the other side. He was still closing his door as the vehicle pulled away from the curb.
    “Wow. That looked choreographed.” Liz’s hand tightened on her purse strap, the thread of strain back in her voice.
    “We’ve all been through these kinds of drills a few times. Buckle up.” Jake tapped her seat belt. “Liz, meet Dan O’Leary behind the wheel, and Larry Olsen. Guys, this is Judge Elizabeth Michaels.”
    As Dan lifted his hand in greeting, Liz dredged up the ghost of a smile for Larry. “Marshal Olsen and I met during one of my first cases here. How’s your wife doing?”
    “Better. Thank you for asking. But it’s been a tough pregnancy, and that book of crossword puzzles you sent home with me couldn’t have been better timed. It helped get her through one of her roughest weeks.”
    “I’m glad to hear that.”
    His curiosity piqued, Jake glanced at Liz. But the Suburban was already pulling to a stop in the ER parking lot, giving him no chance to dwell on her exchange with Larry.
    “Spence and I are going to get our cars, Liz. He’ll be in front of the Suburban. I’ll be behind.” He angled toward the door, stopping when she touched his arm.
    “Do you want your jacket back now?”
    “Later is fine.”
    After a quick sweep of the parking lot, Jake opened his door and slid out of the vehicle. Spence did the same on his side. Jake waited until he heard the automatic locks click behind him before he headed for his Trailblazer. Spence was already climbing into his Grand Cherokee a few spots down.
    As their little motorcade pulled out of the hospital and headed for I-64, Jake checked the clock on the dash: 7:55.
    Ten hours ago, he’d been boarding his delayed flight in Denver after nine intense days tracking and arresting a fugitive on the most-wanted list. Ten weeks ago he’d been dodging bullets in Iraq after a mob tried to storm a courtroom during an incendiary trial. Ten months ago, he’d been executing a court order to seize assets belonging to a domestic terrorist group and working a special security detail for a Supreme Court justice in Washington DC.
    One thing for sure. This job was never boring.
    That was what he liked about it.
    But much as he thrived on challenge, much as he relished being pushed to his limits, he wished this assignment had passed him by.
    And his reasons today had nothing to do with his negative feelings toward Liz Michaels. Much to his surprise, those had softened during the traumatic hours they’d spent together. In fact, she’d managed to awaken in him a protective instinct that went far beyond what his job dictated.
    Jake didn’t understand that. Wasn’t sure he wanted to understand it.
    But he did understand risk. Plus, he had a nose for danger. That’s why he was good at what he did.
    And he was smelling danger now.
    For both Liz—and himself.

    The first rays of morning sun filtered

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