Femme Fatale (Black Rose Book 2)

Femme Fatale (Black Rose Book 2) by Suzanne Steele Page A

Book: Femme Fatale (Black Rose Book 2) by Suzanne Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele
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Perhaps they wonder how I will respond to the tales they will tell me tonight. No longer will I be left in the dark about the taboo things my husband does; tonight, the truth will finally be revealed.
    I stop my car in front of the metal building looming before me. It beckons me, enticing the dark corners of my mind with the depravity that has taken place here over the years. I take one last look around, convincing myself there aren’t any demons lying in wait to jump out and get me. I grab my keys, and before I lose all nerve, I get out of the car, pushing the fob to lock the doors as I quickly make my way up to the building.
    My hands shake as I attempt to unlock the door, knowing that once it’s open, all of my husband’s deep, dark secrets will be revealed. I drop the keys and automatically scan the darkness once again, willing my husband to pull in so I can feel safe.
    Once I’m convinced there’s no one lurking in the shadows waiting to accost me, I scoop up the keys and am finally successful in unlocking the warehouse door. I quickly shut the door behind me and lock it, but my relief is short-lived when nothing happens after I flick the light switch. Shit, this is like something out of a bad horror movie.
    Using my hands to clumsily feel my way along the wall, I try to find another room, preferably one with a working light. I wish I’d been here before so I wasn’t blindly making my way through a building completely foreign to me.
    I trip over something, and the loud sound it makes clattering against the concrete floor startles me as I reach for the wall, trying to stop my fall. Though I could’ve sworn the wall was just there moments ago, I miss it and end up on all fours. It’s probably safer at this point to crawl, so that’s what I do, using my hands to feel in front of me. The fall has caused me to lose my bearings, and the initial fear I was experiencing is quickly morphing into terror. I’m starting to panic and decide to just go back the way I came, get the hell out of this dark building, and wait in my car until my husband arrives. I’ve had enough of this shit; I’m getting the hell out of here.
    My heart literally stops when I feel a foot where my hand was groping along the floor. Strong hands grab me when I move to stand and take off running. These don’t feel like the hands of someone offering protection; they feel threatening as one clamps over my mouth to silence my screams.
    My legs kick wildly in an attempt to get away, but the gloved hand only presses down harder over my mouth. Another hand applies pressure to the artery on the side of my neck that carries blood to my brain until there is darkness that has nothing to do with a blown bulb. When I regain consciousness, I see that I was out long enough to be rendered helpless, stripped nude, and tied down to a cold steel table.
    Slowly becoming more and more aware of how dire my predicament is, I twist my body from side to side in an attempt to break free from the restraints. Tears stream down my face, dampening the blindfold, and I will my husband to come save me from whoever this stranger is.
    With my arms pinned to the side of the table, I continue to struggle in the restraints. My legs are bent at the knees and held back with leather straps, leaving me open and exposed. Not only can I feel the texture of the restraints, but I can also smell them. It’s obvious I’m being held down by leather straps; the scent of orange oil is heavy in the air, and as I move, I can feel how pliable they are.
    “Shh,” wet lips and teeth nip at my skin, sucking and pulling at nipples that betray me, peaking to the point that it feels like they could cut glass.
    “I’m only giving you what you want. I’m taking what’s mine. I see the look in your eyes, willing the monster in me to come out and play. At the oddest times of day, I see the longing in your eyes for me to overpower you, and it makes me want to pin you to a wall and take what’s mine.

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