Final Settlement

Final Settlement by Vicki Doudera Page A

Book: Final Settlement by Vicki Doudera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Doudera
Tags: Fiction, Mystery, Maine, Real Estate, blackmail, realty
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shook her head. “That’s just it. They didn’t divorce. When I looked up the deed to the property, I saw her name right there with his. Anita Betsy Carmichael Dupont.”
    “Say that three times fast.”
    “No kidding. She’s ABCD, the whole friggin alphabet.”
    Darby chuckled and then turned thoughtful. “Her reappearance certainly complicates things for the Chief. I wonder how they’ll resolve it?”
    Tina took another long drink, drained her glass, and poured another. “I don’t know, but he’d better not bring her to the wedding.” Her tone was ominous. “Owning property sure can muddy the waters.” She thought a moment, and then her face brightened. “Speaking of owning property, did I tell you I got an offer on my house?”
    “That’s great news.” Darby knew that Tina was planning to move into Donny’s old farmhouse right after the wedding. “Are you happy with the price?”
    Tina scrunched up her nose. “I’d like more money, of course—who wouldn’t? But it’s a nice young couple with an adorable baby.” She took another sip of wine. “Final settlement is on the last day of the month.”
    They sipped in silence for a moment. Darby put down her own goblet and regarded her friend. “Tina, do you know a woman named Alison Dyer? She lives over by the Breakwater.”
    Tina shrugged. “Yes, I’ve met her once or twice. She gives talks about birds at the library.” Her eyes widened. “Why, is she looking to sell?”
    Darby nearly laughed. “No, I don’t think so. I went over there to speak with her because she saw something strange.” She paused. “On the Breakwater.” Quickly she recounted Alison’s description of the ski-mask-wearing walker.
    “Crap!” said Tina. She leaned forward, placing her red-painted fingernails against her temples. “Darby—that means Lorraine may have been murdered! Shoved by someone with a ski mask off that Breakwater, and then fished out by poor Donny and that crazy Carlene.” She shuddered, thought a moment, and then shook her head several times. “Nah, that can’t be right. Who in the world would want to hurt Lorraine? She was one of those mousy, harmless people. You know, the kind who never say a peep.” Tina grinned. “Not like yours truly, who likes to shoot her mouth off right and left.”
    Darby took another sip of the wine, thinking about Tina’s comment. By all accounts, Lorraine Delvecchio had been a loyal employee, leading an uneventful life. Those who’d known Lorraine described her as shy and retiring.
    She shifted on the loveseat, feeling an uneasy twinge of insight. Sometimes the quietest people, the ones who seemed to stay safely in the shadows, were the ones who could be the most dangerous.
    Once Tina had finished her second glass of wine, pulled on her boots, and headed back into the cold, Darby fixed herself a simple salad and prepared to call Chief Dupont. She wasn’t sure whether he’d want to talk, given his errant wife’s sudden arrival, but she felt she owed it to him to relay Alison Dyer’s information. Now, finished with her dinner and wearing comfortable clothes, Darby stoked the fire and settled into the old loveseat to call the Chief.
    “Hello?” A high-pitched voice answered and Darby was temporarily speechless. “I’m looking for Chief Dupont,” she explained.
    “Chuck-ee! Phone call for you!” Darby heard low murmuring and then the gruff voice of Charles Dupont.
    “Yeah?” He sounded exhausted, like a man who’d run about a million miles and had many more to go.
    “It’s Darby. I hope I’m not calling at a bad time, but I wanted to tell you what I found out today.”
    Immediately his tone changed. “No, no, you’re fine, Darby. Appreciate the call. What’s up?”
    She described meeting Alison Dyer, seeing her spotting scope, and then related the amateur birder’s account of what she’d seen on the Breakwater. “Alison asked me if she should speak with the police, and I

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