Finding Opa!
Holding the pages that she had printed of Stacey’s latest story, she paced from side-to-side of her Manhattan office and sang her praises.
    “It is truly your best work yet, Stacey,” Valerie said, stopping at her desk to put the manuscript down.
    “You think?” Stacey asked, writing notes on her notepad while they talked on speakerphone.
    “I know so. However, I wasn’t expecting an interracial twist. That is something new.”
    “My readers could be disappointed. I know, but right now, that is just the direction that I’m going.”
    “Well, truthfully, African-American women are reading more and more interracial novels. And many are dating outside of their race. You’re just keeping up with the times. It’s damned near mainstream,” Valerie said, trying not to upset Stacey. If it was a problem later, they would handle it when they got to it. For now, she didn’t foresee anything but seven-figure dollar signs.
    “Great,” Stacey answered, releasing a heavy sigh of relief.
    “So where did your motivation come from? Anyone in particular?” Valerie held the phone. Could it be that Stacey had turned in her hermit card? She hoped so. The two had been friends, sort of , for a few years, and since Drew’s death, she had witnessed Stacey nearly give up on life.
    Stacey laughed. “Let’s just say that I took your advice.”
    “His name?”
    “Hunter,” Stacey answered quickly.
    “His profession?”
    “Doctor.” She sounded proud, as if she had picked the cream of the crop.
    “Wow, I’m impressed.” Valerie waved in her assistant and looked at her watch. It was time to call to another author. Time was money, friend or not . “So we’re still on schedule then?”
    “Absolutely,” Stacey said, knowing what the pause in Val’s voice meant.
    “Wonderful. Well, I’ll talk to you soon, doll. Be good. I can’t wait to read the rest of this amazing story. It’s a hit!”
    “Thanks,” Stacey said, hanging up the phone.
    Rapture was there by Stacey’s side as soon as the line went dead, begging for her complete attention. Picking him up, she tucked him into her embrace and looked at her computer screen full of words that only days ago were not imaginable. She felt as if she could type all the rest of the evening, but she had to get ready for her date.
    Her cat could feel her sudden detachment and purred for her attention. Nudging his head under her neck, he begged for a hug.
    “I still love you, kitty,” Stacey said, feeling his sadness.
    However, Stacey was even more excited about seeing Hunter than Valerie was about receiving her new manuscript. All day long the wheels in her head had been turning, not only about her story, but also about tonight. She felt high on life. It was almost scary. If it weren’t for their arrangement, she might have boxed up her emotions and ran, but at least now, she was safeguarded in some way from a broken heart…hopefully.
    Hunter hit the gym harder than normal. He had to do something to rid himself of the sexual frustration that seemed to be ripping into his every thought.
    One would have imagined, considering his profession, that the female form would be old to him by now, less exhilarating, less exciting, and before Stacey, it had been. But the taste of her lips the night before had awakened him and the beast inside of his cob-webbed libido.
    Pushing the speed button on the treadmill, he accelerated his run. Faster, Harder. Stronger. He needed more of everything. Sweat poured down his face and neck onto his gray t-shirt. His calf muscles burned and his arms tightened. Maybe if he exhausted himself physically, he would be too tired tonight to think of every inch of Stacey’s body. Plus, it would be much harder to control his desires while on their date if he did not take matters into his own hands…literally.
    A thought about Stacey trying to masturbate

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