Finding The Way Back To Love (Lakeside Porches 3)
ignored it. She fished a package of tissues from her purse. She waited while Haley blew her nose and wondered if she would reveal more. The phone rang again.
    “You should take that,” Haley decided for them. “I’ll dump the trash and get a glass of water.”
    “Okay,” Gwen relented. She checked the caller ID. “Hi, Peter,” she answered.
    Haley’s face lit up as she left the table.
    “Hi, yourself. Where are you?”
    Gwen kicked off her shoes and put her feet up. “At the mall. Haley and I are taking a break from buying maternity clothes. Did you sleep?”
    “Like the dead, and way longer than usual,” Peter told her. “Listen, I have a thing Sunday evening, and I want you to come as my guest.”
    Gwen laughed. “‘Thing’ as in paint ball, wedding reception, stakeout . . .”
    “Farewell dinner and dance for the outgoing chief.”
    “Chief Barker? Very nice.”
    “It’s at the Manse Inn and Spa, cocktails at five, dinner at six, dancing until whenever.”
    Gwen slid down in her chair like she had as a teenager when her favorite guy called. “Sounds great. And that will get me out of the house so Haley and Rick can be by themselves for a couple of hours.”
    “He’s coming?” Peter’s voice was eager.
    “Yes, tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday, right?”
    “Hey, I’m the one that just woke up.” He chuckled.
    She gave it back to him. “But you haven’t been shopping with half the kids and moms of Rochester for the past three hours. And it’s good that we’re still shopping, because I want a new dress for the dinner dance.”
    “I’m flattered,” Peter said, his voice soft. “So, shall I pick you up at five-thirty, or do you want to start the cocktail hour exactly at five?”
    Gwen laughed. “Peter, I don’t drink at all. I have no interest in the cocktail hour.”
    “So, I’ll come for you at five-thirty.”
    “It’s a date.” Gwen sat up with a sudden thought. “Do you have to work after the party?”
    “Yes, unfortunately. Question for you. Do you know someone named Cushman?”
    “Yes, why?”
    “This whole shindig is privately funded. Scuttlebutt is that Cushman is backing the party to acknowledge the important contribution the chief made to the town for twenty-plus years.”
    “That would be Joel Cushman. We were in school together. He owns the Manse where it’s being held. I suspect Joel is acknowledging Chief Barker as the person who made our town safe for everyone, including women. Barker was an advocate for women’s shelters and services for victims of rape and domestic violence.”
    “Sounds like I’ll learn a lot more about Tompkins Falls tomorrow night.”
    “You will, and I’ll introduce you to Joel if he’s in attendance. He’s recovering from a serious accident, though, and he may not be up to it.”
    “You two are friends?”
    “We go back a long way. And this is cool: he and his bride Manda were married this summer on the grounds of the Manse. If the weather is good, I’ll show you the garden the Manse created for the occasion.”
    Peter whistled. “That takes money.”
    “Joel’s a good man, and he uses his money to benefit the community. I think you’ll like him.”
    Haley nudged Gwen’s outstretched feet.
    “Gotta go, Peter. Haley’s back and ready to shop.”
    “Tell her hello. See you at five-thirty tomorrow.” He added with a chuckle, “No leaves in your hair.”
    Gwen laughed and ended the call.
    “You’ve got a date with Peter?” Haley slid into her chair and grabbed Gwen’s hand.
    Gwen nodded.
    “You’ve got a silly smile on your face, and your eyes are all dreamy,” Haley teased her. “It’s a good look for you, Aunt Gwen.”
    “None of this ‘Aunt Gwen’ stuff. You make me feel old.”
    “How perfect for your date, that you and I are booked at the spa first thing tomorrow morning.”
    “The universe is on our side. I’ll see if we can get our hair done, too. And before we leave the mall, I need to find The

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