Finding Tom

Finding Tom by Simeon Harrar Page B

Book: Finding Tom by Simeon Harrar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simeon Harrar
Tags: Fiction
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Charles’ father had about him an air of coolness, and his gaze was sharp, as if he were taking in everything around him and filing it away. Just sitting there, I felt like I was undergoing an inspection. Charles’ mother was quite the opposite; she was a robust woman with a pretty face. I imagined that she was probably a real beauty back in her time, but the years had stolen her slim, youthful figure, leaving rather plump dimensions in its place. Her eyes were gentle and caring, the sort of eyes that only a mother can have.
    I turned in my chair to face the trio. Charles jumped in to make introductions. “Mother and Father, this is Tom, my new roommate.” Charles looked at me, motioning for me to stand up and greet them properly.
    I stood and uncomfortably stuck out my hand. “Pleased to meet you,” I mumbled quietly.
    Mr. Montgomery stepped forward and met me with a firm handshake, as if attempting to show me how such things were done. “You may call me Mr. Montgomery. Do you have any more things coming, lad? I must say that you seem to be lacking some of the essentials for general living.”
    “No, sir,” I said, turning bright red and hanging my head. “This is all I have. I’m hoping to find some work and purchase whatever else I might need.”
    He stared at me knowingly, as if he’d seen my kind before. “Well, I’d recommend you go talk to the dean and see what he can do about finding you some work. I’m sure there are plenty of bushes to be trimmed and weeds to be pulled, as long as you find the time along with your studies. Charles told me that you are from Greenwood. Charity may have you gotten you here, but you will soon learn that the professors do not give handouts to those who cannot perform adequately.”
    His condescending tone was sickening. He had no right to speak to me in such a manor. My shame turned to anger, and I met his gaze, refusing to back down. “Thank you for your advice, sir .” I made sure to over-emphasize the “sir.” “While Greenwood may be second class according to your standards, I have no doubt you will find that I am well prepared for Locklear. I fully intend to hold my own against the rest of my classmates, including your son.”
    He glared back at me, and his lips curled upward in a slight smirk. “All will be revealed in good time. It’s a shame books are so expensive these days. I can’t imagine succeeding without them.” He turned to his wife. “My dear, I believe it is time for us to be going. Charles is all settled in, and we have things to attend to.” He shook hands with Charles and then strolled out the door.
    I looked at Charles, who looked back at me with a mortified look. “You should not have spoken to my father in that manner—”
    “He insulted me. What did you expect me do?”
    “I don’t think you understand,” Charles tried to explain. “Papa was not in favor of me having a mystery roommate. He was afraid that I would be placed with someone highly unsuitable for a person ‘of my upbringing.’ Your little discourse only solidified his fears. Father is not the sort of man you want as an enemy. He may go out of his way to see that you fail just because he can. He is ruthless.”
    “Well, what’s done is done, so let’s not worry about it,” I concluded. “It will bring me great pleasure to prove your father wrong. To that end, I will work tirelessly. Now let’s move on to something else. Where the heck can you get a bite to eat in this place? I’m famished.”
    Charles perked up at this. “Splendid idea. I’ll show you the way at once now that the parents are gone and we are at last free men.” He slipped into a blazer, and we headed out. He had already forgotten about the earlier unpleasantness and began to blab on about the importance of dining attire: “It is always best to dine in a blazer …”
    I tuned him out as we walked. The spread of food was unbelievable. After years of scrounging on my own for food or eating cold

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