Finn Family Moomintroll
was clambering about on the rocks. She had decorated her singed brow with a crown of sea-lilies, and was searching for something that would surprise all the others and make them jealous. When they had admired it she would give it to Moomintroll, as long as it wasn't something she could use to make herself beautiful. It was bothersome climbing about on the stones, and her crown was beginning to blow off. But at any rate the wind wasn't so strong now, and the sea had changed from an angry green to a peaceful blue; the waves no longer seemed threatening, but tossed their plumes with a gay air. The Snork Maiden climbed down on to a little pebbly beach which bordered the water's edge, but there was nothing to be seen except a little seaweed and some bits of driftwood. A little downhearted she strolled farther out on the point. 'It's sad that everyone except me does so much,' thought the Snork Maiden to herself. 'They retrieve magic hats, capture ant-lions and carry off barometers. I wish I could do

    something tremendous, all on my own, and impress Moomintroll.'
    Sighing to herself she looked out over the deserted beach. And then her heart nearly stopped beating for out on the point a Shape was washing to and fro in the shallow water! And it was tremendously big - ten times as big as a little Snork Maiden!
    'I'll run and fetch the others at once,' she thought, and then stopped, telling herself not to be frightened but to have a look and see what it was. So trembling in every limb she went up to the awful thing to find it was nothing less than a giantess - a giantess without legs! How terrible! The Snork Maiden took a few shaky steps forward, but then came the biggest surprise of all - the giantess was made of wood, and she was very beautiful. Her cheeks and lips were red and her round blue eyes smiled up through the clear water; she had blue hair, too, flowing in long painted curls over her shoulders. 'It's a queen,' said the Snork Maiden, reverently. The beautiful creature's hands were crossed on her breast which was hung with golden flowers and chains. Her dress was of soft flowing red material, and she was all of painted wood. The only strange thing was that she hadn't got a back.
    'She is almost too good for Moomintroll,' mused the Snork Maiden. 'But he shall have her in any case!' And she was very proud when, towards evening, she paddled into the harbour perched on the queen's middle.
    'Have you found a boat?' asked the Snork.
    'Fancy your being able to find it all alone,' said Moomintroll, admiringly.
    'It's a figurehead,' said Moominpappa, who in his youth had sailed the seven seas. 'Sailors like to decorate the prows of their ships with a beautiful wooden queen.'
    'What for?' asked Sniff.
    'Oh, I suppose they like ladies,' said Moominpappa.
    'But why hasn't she got a back?' asked the Hemulen.
    'That's where she's fixed to the ship's prow, of course,' said the Snork. 'Even a child could see that!'
    'She's too big to be nailed to The Adventure,' said Snufkin. 'What a pity!'
    'Oh, what a beautiful lady!' sighed Moominmamma. 'Imagine being so pretty and getting no happiness out of it!'
    'What do you think of doing with it?' asked Sniff.
    The Snork Maiden lowered her eyes and smiled. Then she said: 'I think I shall give it to Moomintroll.'
    Moomintroll was speechless. Very pink in the face he advanced and bowed. The Snork Maiden curtsied shyly, and they were both rather embarrassed.
    'Look!' said the Snork to his sister. 'You haven't seen what I ' ve found!' And he pointed proudly to a great pile of shimmering gold that lay on the sand.
    The Snork Maiden's eyes nearly popped out. 'Real gold!' she breathed.
    'And there's lots more,' boasted the Snork. 'A mountain of gold!'
    'And I ' m allowed to keep all the bits he drops!' said Sniff, proudly.
    Oh, how they admired each other's finds there on the beach! The Moomin family had suddenly become rich. But the most precious things were still the ship's figurehead and the little snow

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