Firefly Mountain

Firefly Mountain by Christine DePetrillo Page A

Book: Firefly Mountain by Christine DePetrillo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine DePetrillo
Tags: Romance
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True, he was a sloppy sweetheart, as Patrick had noted, but she could always be herself with him. He was her brother’s best friend. One of her best friends. Easy to be around.
    Patrick Barre was another story, but her plan had worked. She’d considered him invisible and kept her feelings neutral. Okay, maybe it was a little funny he was so out of place in Mason’s disorder. That the chaos had eaten at him. How could he be so rude one minute and humorous the next? And why did he smell so good? Like sawdust and blueberry muffins. She hadn’t expected it to be so hard to ignore him. Hell, she’d spent most of her life ignoring feelings of attraction to men. Wouldn’t be fair to reel one in and risk hurting him. She wouldn’t let what had happened to Cameron happen to anyone else.
    But it had taken every muscle straining in her neck to not look at Patrick. All her focus to not speak directly to him. She was drained, but at least she wasn’t angry.
    A wet nose pressed into her kneecap, and Gini looked down. “Hey there, pup.” She scooted down to pet Midas.
    “So you see him. Can talk to him.”
    Her eyes fluttered to Patrick’s face as he stood in the doorway of Mason’s office.
    Damn, he tricked me.
    “He hasn’t been an ignorant thug.” Gini focused back on Midas. The dog buried his face in her lap as she scratched between his ears.
    “Look, we got started on the wrong foot. I’m not an ignorant thug. Just a camera shy one.”
    Gini lifted her gaze, and the smile on Patrick’s face had her breath hitching in her throat. The smile made the golden flecks in his hazel eyes glint, and his lips looked as if they were capable of real danger. Anger wasn’t the only emotion she had to worry about around Patrick.
    “I suppose I can be a tad pushy when I don’t get my way,” Gini said. “I want the calendar to be perfect, for it to raise a ton of money for the animal shelter.”
    “It can do so without my picture,” Patrick said.
    “Sure, but—”
    “Don’t.” Patrick shook his head. “You won’t change my mind, Gini. Why don’t we call a truce and go from there?”
    Gini strangled her purse strap as the sound of her name out of Patrick’s mouth sent tingly ripples throughout her body. Why did he have to be so tall?
    “A truce?” She chewed her bottom lip. A truce had to be easier than ignoring him, which wasn’t going so well at present. “Okay, deal.”
    Patrick held out a hand and Gini took it. They shook and maybe held on a bit longer than necessary before Patrick broke the connection. “I won’t be an ignorant thug, and you won’t pester me about pictures.”
    “Right,” Gini said.
    “Good.” Patrick slipped his hands into his pockets and stepped around Gini. “See you around.” He patted his thigh, and Midas trotted after him out of the police station.
    Gini leaned against the wall again and brushed her hair out of the way. Had she made a deal she couldn’t keep? It wasn’t like her to back down when she wanted something. And now she’d proven she could be around Patrick without setting things on fire. He could be civilized. She could be cordial. It could work.
    Why did she feel as if it wasn’t that simple?
    “You’re still here?” Mason tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to jump.
    “Just petting Patrick and talking to Midas.” She coughed on her mistake. “I mean…petting Midas and talking to Patrick.” She busied herself looking for her car keys in her bag.
    “He’s something, huh?” Mason asked.
    “Yeah, that dog is amazing.” Gini pulled out her keys and studied her sandals.
    “You know I didn’t mean the dog, Gini.” Mason tipped her chin up with his index finger. “You want to tell me why you were trying so hard to make Patrick nonexistent in there?” He gestured over his shoulder to his office.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mason.”
    “Shutterbug, it’s me. Don’t forget I know you almost as well as your family does.”

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