First Watch: A Watcher Bay Adventure

First Watch: A Watcher Bay Adventure by Auburn Seal Page A

Book: First Watch: A Watcher Bay Adventure by Auburn Seal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Auburn Seal
Tags: Post-Apocolyptic Sci-Fi
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easier than resolving this conflict with her husband.


    Abramov Command headquarters
    October 3, 12 AA
    Gunnar rode Levra’s hover bike to Abramov’s headquarters in the military district of New Seattle to meet with Ana. After he parked in the staff garage, he rode the express elevator to the top floor of the Abramov Securities Building.
    He strode into her office and sat across from her, placing his silver synthetic leather boots on her desk with a dramatic thud.
    “We’ve got a problem, Ana. She lost it when I told her I’d signed up again.”
    “Why did you tell her? You knew she would object.”
    “She sort of pinned me down, metaphorically. At any rate, I told her I’d find a way to bring her. What should I do? I really don’t want her to come, but Blake Colton will have my ass if I jeopardize the mission at this stage. I think she’ll be suspicious about everything if I can’t smooth this over.”
    Gunnar watched Ana's face as she took in the information he brought and then calculated a response on-point with the mission parameters. She was hot when she was being devious.
    “You are going to have to bring her with. Levra can’t suspect anything is different. Bring the kid too. We can’t have her become suspicious about you this late in the game. It might actually work out in our favor. If we bring spouses and children along, the family feel of the mission will help our cover with the Ddaerans. In fact, it’s perfect. If I didn’t know you were a complete jackass, I’d congratulate you for adding this element of camouflage to the mission. In fact, you should encourage her to bring her friends from Dwyr—the one who helps Enric communicate. If we include other Ddaerans, it will help us create inroads with their kind in Rasia. And her abilities may help turn the conversation quickly to whatever abilities they may have.”
    “You are cute when you are devious.” He pinched her ass as he passed by.
    She rolled her eyes, but then he felt her respond to his rough kiss. With thoughts of what he’d like to do to Ana if only he had the time, he headed back to tell Levra the good news. He would be happy when the charade was up, so he could finally kick his whiny bitch of a wife and the kid to the curb.


    New Seattle, New Eden
    October 3, 12 AA
    Levra braced herself for bad news. Having allowed herself to hope while Gunnar was at Abramov Headquarters, now she regretted making room for optimism. She’d picked up the list from Alena and, with Enric in tow, had delivered it to the BDA’s main office. When she returned home, Gunnar was there waiting for her in the kitchen.
    He strode across the room and pulled her to him. She tensed but returned his embrace.
    “It’s set,” Gunnar whispered in her ear. “I spoke to command. They are sending me east—to Rasia—to explore a new village of Ddaeran. To investigate their abilities. There are rumors they have some exceptional skills. Got the go-ahead from the boss. You and Enric can come with me. I’ll be the mission commander.”
    He pulled back and looked at Levra. On the inside, she was ecstatic. He worked it out. They could stay together.
    “How wonderful, Gunnar.”
    He leaned in again, nuzzling her ear, and whispered, “We leave in two weeks. Sound good?”
    Levra turned away from him and opened a cabinet, removed a glass and then slammed the cupboard door shut. A little harder than she intended. She wasn’t exactly angry. More like frustrated. She felt like she’d been riding a rollercoaster for too long now. So much of her life wasn’t her own. The last twenty-four hours felt like a whirlwind. He was home, then he was leaving again, then she was leaving the marriage, now they would leave together. In only two weeks.
    Her mind spun as she contemplated his announcement.
    Deep breath, Levra. Think of Enric. He needs a father. And I need a husband. Maybe they really could reconnect and

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