Fistful of Feet

Fistful of Feet by Jordan Krall Page A

Book: Fistful of Feet by Jordan Krall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Krall
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Horror, Westerns
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       Clayton laughed. “You got that right!”
       Finally Sergio took a sip and was reminded how much he loved whiskey. Back in Andersonville, they didn’t give the men anything to drink but tainted water. Sergio had quite a few friends who died due to the torture and neglect at the hands of those Confederate bastards. He’d seen men used in experiments involving animals and strange machines that cut off their feet. It was a miracle that Sergio ever survived so he vowed to savor every drink of whiskey.
       Leonard said, “You boys want to get your pricks wet, go ahead. I’m staying down here. Maybe join a poker game.”
       “I still don’t get why you won’t just pay for a screw. Not like you have much time left on this earth. You think they got pussy in Hell?” Clayton scratched his beard through his donkey mask and laughed.
       “Oh, shut the hell up and go pick out a girl so you can get it out of your system. We have to get to planning how we’re going to persuade the mayor to part with his gold.”
       Clayton laughed. “Persuade? That’s a good one.” He looked around and saw the two ladies at the bar and thought they’d both be nice to take up to one of the rooms upstairs. He’d heard that the whores in town had specialties and he had a hankering to experience it in person.
       He left the table and walked over to the women. They both turned his way and smiled though he had a suspicion that they were smiling sarcastically.
       Clayton said, “Hello, ladies.”
       The blonde one said, “Can we help you?”
       “Sure hope you can.”
       The brunette said, “You going to a costume party or something? What’s with the mask?”
       “Just something I like to wear. Found it in a prison camp next to a wooden donkey if you can believe it.”
       The two women laughed.
       “Name’s Clayton and you are?”
       “I’m Goldie and this is Blanche. We’re the Brady sisters,” the brunette said.
       “Sisters? You really sisters?”
       The women laughed but didn’t answer.
       “So, I got money to spend,” Clayton said. “You ladies want to welcome me to your town?”
       Clayton followed the women to their room. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. Whenever he was with a whore, he ended up asking for a hand job or a simple screw. But it seemed like a waste to ask for the same from these girls since Screwhorse whores were supposed to be so talented. “Hey ladies, let me ask you something. You two have a specialty?”
       They laughed. Goldie said, “We sure do.”
       “And what would it be?”
       In unison, the women burped loudly and smiled. “Let’s see your pecker,” Blanche said. Clayton sat down on the bed and pulled his dick out.
       “Start yanking,” Goldie said. As Clayton pleasured himself, the women instructed him while they leaned over and let out burp after burp into his face.
       Blanche said, “You like that? Can you smell what we had for dinner?”
       “We had four sausages,” Goldie said. “Each!”
       Even through the donkey mask, Clayton was overwhelmed by the warm stench of their belching. He used his hand on himself, stroking slowly at first and then picking up the pace when the burps became louder and more forceful.
       After ten minutes, he was close to finishing. “I’m ready, ladies!”
       Blanche put her mouth up to the nose holes of Clayton’s mask while Goldie put her mouth to his ear.
       As the ladies let out two thunderous burps, Clayton ejaculated onto the floor. Ecstasy rushed through his body as he deeply inhaled the smell of sausages.
       “So, about payment,” Goldie said. She wasn’t wasting any time.
       Clayton paid the women and stood up. “That sure was nice.”
       Blanche said, “Okay, honey, you go ahead downstairs and have yourself a drink. Come on back if you feel like having another go at the Brady sisters.”
       With a wide

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