Flamingo Fugitive (Supernatural Bounty Hunters 5)
nodded.  “I think I’m going to say not guilty.”
    He raised an eyebrow as his inner lion huffed.  “You already confessed.”
    She shrugged.  “Oh yes, I did those things but I didn’t mean to cause any harm.”
    “Well, maybe you should discuss it with your lawyer.  When is he arriving?”
    “Well, we talked on the phone, and he said he’d arrive early in the morning.”
    Wyatt tried not to look too pained.  “This is really a serious matter, you really should…”
    Francine waved a hand.  “It’s no big deal.  Once everyone hears my side of the story, I’ll be let off.  I’ve been an extra on Playa Lunar at Law a few times.  I’m pretty au fait with this kind of thing.  Technically, I haven’t done anything wrong.”
    She was a juror a couple of times and actually played a defendant in one episode – only for a few moments, and she didn’t have any lines.  She spent hours in make up getting temporary tattoos applied to her skin.  She was on screen for twelve seconds, and it took her twelve days to wash off the fake tats.
    Her lawyer was a friend of her best friend, Felicia’s husband’s brother.  He was a flamingo, too.  You actually saw quite a few flamingo lawyers – they liked showing off in court.  The difference to her chosen profession was that the pay was a lot better.  However, one of his disgruntled clients did try to shoot him once. 
    He was doing this as a favor, so Francine was just grateful for any time he could give her.  Besides, she was sure that everyone was just making a mountain out of a potato chip.  This whole thing was nothing.  It was all going to be fine .  Yes, she’d just made her flamingo believe that, too.
    “So can you give me a ride home?”  She smiled at the detective, hopefully.
    He blinked at her in surprise.  “Ah, no, you have to stay here.”
    Francine frowned.  “But I don’t have a change of clothes.”  She waved her hand up and down her body for emphasis.  “And he did get blood on me.”
    “You can’t leave,” he told her, patiently.
    She thought about it for a few moments.  “But, how about if an officer just takes me home to get a change of clothes?”
    He shook his head.  “You really can’t leave.”
    Hmmm, they were entering water not quite covered by her extra roles in TV shows.  Now would probably be a good time to have her lawyer present to advise her if what the cop was saying was actually true.  “Well, who says so?  Let me just have a word with them.”  She’d speak to his boss if necessary and get this all straightened out.  She wasn’t a natural born flirt, but she was good at pretending.
    “Look, your lawyer can bring in anything you need before you see the judge.”
    Oh no, that wouldn’t do at all – her body took maintenance .  “If I’m going to see a judge I do need to look my best – I need time to prepare.”  She didn’t have her special pillow with the lavender oil, and she didn’t have her avocado and almond facemask - that she sometimes ate if she became really hungry and ran out of food.  And sometimes when she didn’t.  It was delicious and excellent for the skin.
    “I’m sure you’ll look fine,” he mumbled.  The huge lion shifter blushed slightly, and goddess help, her she basked in that blush.  It was really a pick me up after a crappy night.
    “Fine, is one thing,” she said, gently.  “But I need to dazzle him.”
    “It’s the law that you stay here.”
    “Well, what if I spoke to your supervisor?”  She didn’t want to get him in trouble, but surely there was a way around this.
    His forehead wrinkled, probably through the confusion that she didn’t seem able to grasp this concept.  “My captain would tell you the same thing.”
    Francine threw up her hands theatrically.  “Even if I told him what happened?  This whole thing wasn’t my fault.  I mean, frankly, that guy was going to… to…” 
    For someone who just a few hours ago was waxing

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