Fools Crow (Contemporary American Fiction)

Fools Crow (Contemporary American Fiction) by James Welch Page A

Book: Fools Crow (Contemporary American Fiction) by James Welch Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Welch
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and painful when he moved his fingers. His back was stiff, and many times he had to be helped up. But his face, with its deep creases around the eyes and mouth, was strong and his eyes were bright. He listened and, when she was through talking, he questioned her keenly, asking her if she knew the seriousness and difficulty of her desire.

    “I wish my man back. My children need their father. I have assisted twice as a coming-forward-to-the-tongues woman. With the help of my sisters and the older ones, I will carry out my duties correctly.”

    “You are a brave woman, Heavy Shield Woman. It will be an arduous task. If you fail, you know what the others will say about you: that you are not a virtuous woman, that you bring dishonor not only to yourself but to the memory of Yellow Kidney and his people. But I see you wish to do this and so I will speak for you.”

    Heavy Shield Woman had spoken strongly, but as she watched Three Bears burn a braid of sweet grass to purify them with its smoke, she couldn’t control the small shiver of apprehension that rippled up and down her spine. It was out in the open now and she wondered if she had the courage for it.

    That night Three Bears gathered the older and middle-age warriors of the All Friends society—the Braves, the All Crazy Dogs, the Raven Carriers, the Dogs and Tails. He pointed the pipe in the four directions and to the Above Ones and Below Ones, then lit it and passed it around the circle to the right. It was returned to him from that direction because it could not be passed across the lodge entrance. He refilled it and passed it to his left. Then the old chief burned some sweet grass and watched the others smoke. At last, he spoke. “As you know, our Heavy Shield Woman carries with her a heavy burden of grief. Many in our camp think Yellow Kidney is dead and has gone to the Sand Hills to be with our long-ago people. If that is so, it is good. Yellow Kidney would have died a good death.” The pipe was handed back to Three Bears, and he laid it on an otter skin. “Others of us think he might be alive, that he is too hard for the Crows to kill. Some signs point to this. But if he is alive, he is wandering out there and is likely to die a miserable death—unless we do something.” Three Bears listened to the men murmur their assent. “Now our sister, Heavy Shield Woman, comes to me with a request to pass on to you. She appeals to your generosity and wisdom and to your loyalty to her husband, who is, as you know, a member of the All Crazy Dogs. You leave a space for him. That is good.” Several of the men looked to the folded robe between Young Bear Chief and Double Runner.
    “We think he will return,” said Young Bear Chief.

    “And so thinks Heavy Shield Woman. She has requested that should her man return safely to her, she be the Medicine Woman at the Sun Dance ceremony this summer.” Three Bears had expected an uproar over this revelation—most of the bands did not like to have a woman declare herself for this role; if she failed, it would bring dishonor on them and disfavor from Sun Chief himself—but he was not prepared for the silence which followed. Even Rides-at-the-door, the man Three Bears depended on most, sat quietly filling his short-pipe.

    This reaction annoyed Three Bears. “I myself am for it, for I know that Heavy Shield Woman has led a virtuous life. I am satisfied with her request.”

    “Has she the wealth for such an undertaking?” said one of the Raven Carriers.

    “The raiders returned with thirty-five of the Crow horses for Yellow Kidney. She will have those, as well as the rest of his herd.”

    “The Medicine Woman bundle comes high. The transfer will cost her many possessions. And too, she will have to acquire many blackhorn tongues. Since she can’t hunt, she will have to pay for them. She will be a poor woman when this is done.”

    “We talk as though it is a sure thing that Yellow Kidney will return. Only a woman whose

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