For Lovers Only

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Book: For Lovers Only by Alex Hairston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Hairston
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and instead would be forced to work in order to support his girlfriend and baby.
    Nia’s parents were more concerned about their reputation in the community. They were so outraged and disgraced that they acted impulsively and forced Nia to get an abortion. They quietly moved her down South to attend college under the watchful eye of her relatives. Joel never even got the chance to say goodbye. Both families failed to take into consideration the emptiness, hurt and deep sadness that Joel and Nia dealt with. Although Joel and Nia were heartbroken, their lives were redirected and they were able to focus more on pursuing their educations. They stayed in contact for a few years, but eventually pursued other interests and other people.
    Certain things that Joel experienced as a teenager made him a better person. Other experiences affected his outlook on love and relationships for years to come.

Chapter 7
    W hen Joel arrived at his apartment something led him directly to his bedroom. There were two messages on his answering machine. He immediately pressed Play, and the first message began, “What’s up, Joel. It’s Dave. Me and Greg are heading down to Club One around eleven tonight to meet up with some fine-ass honeys. We even got one for you. Stop acting all antisocial and shit. Get back at me if you wanna go. I’ll probably hit you back on your cell. Hopefully you’ll have it on. Peace.”
    The answering machine beeped and the next message began. “Hi, Joel.”
    Joel’s heart stopped. Acid burned his stomach. He hadn’t felt that searing sensation in weeks. He was too young and healthy for an ulcer and unprepared for an unexpected reminder from his past. It was his ex-girlfriend, Renee. For Joel, it felt strange thinking of her as his ex. Today marked six weeks, two days and eleven hours since Renee walked out of his life without a decent note or a phone call.
    Joel paused Renee’s message. He needed a quick distraction. He picked up his iHome audio system remote control. He hit the power button and began to listen to the smooth and relaxing sounds of Miles Davis as he took off his Kenneth Cole shoes and Brooks Brothers suit. His neatly pressed clothes were already laid out on his bed.
    After showering, Joel put on a pair of khaki shorts, a short sleeve button-down Ralph Lauren Polo shirt and a pair of brown leather Cole Haan sandals. His outfit mirrored his demeanor—simple and cool.
    Joel pressed Play again and Renee’s message continued, “I’m sure you already know who this is.” She laughed nervously. “Oh my God, this is so hard to do and I can’t believe I’m calling you like this. I’ve rehearsed what I wanted to say in my mind a thousand times, but I still won’t get it right. There’s no real way to say I’m sorry. I was gonna call you on your cell, but I was afraid you might answer. It’s easier this way. In case you were wondering, I’m okay. Thanks for calling my mother last month to check up on me. I mean ... I don’t know what I mean. Sorry things had to end the way they did. God places certain people in our lives for a reason. Now, I understand. You helped prepare me for where I am right now. I know who I am and exactly what I want. You made me a better person and I love you for that. Thank you. If we ever cross paths again I hope you’ll greet me with a smile and a warm embrace because we will always be friends. I wish you all the best and I know there’s a special woman waiting out there for you somewhere. Have a blessed life. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I left a few things behind on my side of the closet. Feel free to donate them to Goodwill. My sister Cheryl will probably be giving you a call because she was interested in my old shoes and boots. Okay, Joel. Be blessed.”
    Like a fool Joel started speaking to the answering machine, as if Renee could actually hear him. “Wow! That’s it,

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