Forget Me Not
there was one part he understood easily enough. She had summoned some kind of magic in the moment of his climax, and while he had no firsthand knowledge of procreation, he wondered if that was not what it would feel like.
    A momentary thrill sped through him only to be doused by reality.
    “Do you use any of these devices?” he asked, holding his breath in anticipation of her response.
    “I take a pill. You don’t have to worry about any little Torens running around after you’re gone.”
    That was good. Leaving behind a child to grow up on this world fatherless would have broken his soul. Tearing a child from its mother would have ripped his soul clean of his body. Only a monster would do such a thing.
    She stretched, and seeing all those flushed curves on such display made Toren’s cock twitch with interest.
    “I’m going to get back to work on figuring out what you need to go home.”
    He hated not being close to her, but was consoled by being able to watch the way her body glowed in the firelight as she gathered her clothes.
    “I thank you for that.”
    She lifted one beautifully naked shoulder. “Sure. I’m going to grab a quick shower. Be out in a few minutes.”
    Adreeahbenwah disappeared through a doorway and closed it behind her.
    There was little he could do until she found what he needed to build the amplification device. He was going to need all the help he could get if he was going to have any hope of going back home to…
    What? He couldn’t remember. He knew it was important. The rage and fury associated with the memory was still there, but the source of it was simply gone.
    His memory was fading too fast. Obliterra was already affecting him, and he hadn’t even been here a full day.
    The sound of water running in the next room drew his attention back to his savior. If the information he put inside her mind did not unfurl soon, he was going to lose himself. His family would suffer and grieve for him. Losing Elina was more pain than they deserved.
    Toren had to get home, even if that meant pushing more magic into Adreeahbenwah’s mind. He wasn’t sure what the long-term effects would be, but he’d do whatever it took to protect his family. He only hoped that it didn’t mean sacrificing this sweet human woman to do so.
    * * *
    Adria spent the entire night and the next day driven by a compulsion she couldn’t resist. Whatever Toren had done to her had started working with a vengeance, because she’d torn the entire cabin apart, accumulating aluminum foil, glass jars, silverware, tooth picks, and a variety of other things that lit her brain on fire when she saw them.
    After twenty hours, she could feel that there were still more things he needed, but her body would simply go no longer without rest.
    “I’m sorry,” she told him as she slumped into a chair. “That’s all I can do.”
    He crouched in front of her, and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “It is enough for now. I will begin construction while you sleep.”
    “Don’t you need to sleep?”
    “My days are longer than yours. I am still able to work, and there is not much time.”
    A twinge of regret pinched her stomach. She’d really wanted to sleep beside him—to feel his warm strength curled up against her. That was something else she’d been deprived of since William’s death. It wasn’t until she’d had it in her grasp that she’d realized just how much she missed sleeping next to a man.
    Maybe it was best that she wasn’t going to have it. Spending one night cuddled up with someone was likely only going to make going back to her empty bed that much worse.
    “Good night, then. I’ll go into town in the morning and get you some clothes. Maybe I’ll see something else there you need, too.”
    It seemed like she’d been in bed for less than an hour when dawn lit her room, waking her. Toren was sitting at the end of the bed, simply watching her.
    The early morning light looked good on him. It draped his

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