Fox Island
on the
phone. “Shadow brooks.”
    “Daddy, it’s me. You’ve got to do something
with Kit.”
    “Darlin’, slow down. What’s the matter?” He
motioned for Price to grab the phone in the kitchen.
    “Mother, it’s about Kit.”
    “What’s up, Kath?”
    “She didn’t come home last night.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “She went to a drag race out at Quartzite,
and she didn’t come back.”
    “Who’d she go with?” Price asked.
    “Who else? Travis. He asked her to be on his
    “She’s still not home?”
    “She walked in the door a few minutes ago.
Meanwhile, I’ve been awake all night worried about her.”
    “Put her on the phone.”
    “She’s in the shower.”
    “Take the portable to the bathroom and put
her on. You listen in, too.”
    “She’s going to be mad that I called
    “Yes, she will.”
    During the long pause, Price paced around
the kitchen. She told Tony they were not mature enough to be left
alone. One of them, sure. But together? No way. They should have
brought them here.
    Tony traipsed back and forth the length of
the phone cord. Surely she didn’t do anything dumb. Kit was a smart
girl. They were both smart girls. But Kit was a lot like Tony.
    Surely she didn’t do anything dumb.
    “Hi, guys, I can’t believe Kath called
    Price answered first. “She called because
she was worried. Where were you all night?”
    “I went to the drags, that’s all. Travis
kept winning, so we stayed late. He finished second and won $145.
Isn’t that cool?”
    “You were there all night?”
    “No, the tow car broke down on the
interstate. It took us until almost daylight to get it fixed.”
    “Who’s we?” her father quizzed.
    “Travis, Ken, Brad and Punky.”
    Price gasped. “You spent the night with four
    “I spent the night underneath an ’82 Chevy
pickup while four guys held the light.”
    “Why didn’t you call Kathy?”
    “Mom, there wasn’t a phone for fifty miles.
You know how deserted that part of 1-10 is.”
    “Well, when you got it fixed, you could have
called her then.”
    “I thought she’d be sleeping. I didn’t want
to wake her. How was I to know she was having a private all-night
swim party?”
    “A what?” It was Tony’s turn to gasp.
    “That’s not true,” Kathy said. “I asked
Bryson to come over and wait with me because I was worried
    “You waited in your bathing suits?” Kit
    “It was a hot night, so we went swimming.
Just for a little while. We didn’t go in the house, Mother. We sat
out in front and waited. That’s all. We were right out front on the
patio when you got home, Kit.”
    “Sure, underneath a blanket.”
    “A what?” Tony sputtered.
    “Look, Mom and Pop, I have no idea why Kathy
had to call you. I won’t be late next week. I’ve got Travis’ rig
repaired, so I’m sure it won’t break down again.”
    Price broke in with her lecture voice. “Kit,
if you don’t get home at the pre-arranged time, you will have to
find a phone and check in, without exception.”
    “Take your mom’s cellular phone next
    “But only make emergency calls. Any other
calls listed on that phone will come out of your paycheck. Is that
    “Yes, sir.”
    “When we said no male company after dark, we
meant in the pool, in the yard, in the driveway, or at the
    “Oh, is that what you meant?”
    “Is that what you meant?” Kit mimicked.
    “Sorry, Pop. Can I finish my shower? I’ve
got to get to work in less than an hour.”
    “How can you work after being up all
    “I could lube cars in my sleep. Bye.”
    “Mother and Daddy, I’m sorry if I
disappointed you.”
    “Kathy, you call us whenever you need to.
Now, you and sis try to get along.”
    “We’ll be fine. Bye.”
    Price strolled into the hallway and found
Tony staring out the back window at a pot of hanging geraniums.
“It’s going to be a

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