Frequent Traveller (Cathy Dixon #1)

Frequent Traveller (Cathy Dixon #1) by Pandora Poikilos Page A

Book: Frequent Traveller (Cathy Dixon #1) by Pandora Poikilos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pandora Poikilos
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greatest literary creations and minds the world has ever seen. The first Harry Potter book was conceived in an Edinburgh coffee shop by JK Rowling. It was a recent addition to the long line of famous authors from Edinburgh which include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who created Sherlock Holmes; Adam Smith who changed economic mindsets in The Wealth of Nations; Robert Louis Stevenson who gave Long John Silver his mean streak when he conceived Treasure Island and wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; Irvine Welsh who wrote Trainspotting; Ian Rankin who conceived the mystery thrillers of Inspector Rebus and Sir Walter Scott who was the great mind behind Ivanhoe. Edinburgh is also the hometown to Sir Sean Connery who lent his talents to the first onscreen James Bond.
    If such creativity did not highlight Edinburgh's rich background, the city is also known for its numerous contributions towards science and engineering. The mind behind the most used gadget, the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell was born and educated at Edinburgh. Other notable persons of interest include Nobel Laureate Charles Darwin who discovered natural selection and John Napier who is known to many as the “Father of Logarithms”. Not to mention, medical researchers Joseph Lister and James Simpson. The former made hospital surgeries safer with the creation of carbolic acid as antiseptic while the latter created anaesthetic in his bid to make surgeries less painful. James Young made his fortune by selling paraffin as lighting oil, James Hutton is still regarded as the "Father of Geology" and James Clerk Maxwell is said to be the mind behind the theory of electromagnetism. All of these great minds came from Edinburgh.
    In the Darwin waiting room adjacent to the lobby, Cathy looked up at the showcased wall of fame. It was inspiring yet strange that one city had produced that many great minds over the course of a few decades. She mused at the enormity of the accomplishments. Raised voices at the check-in counter of MoonStar Edinburgh made the red head turn. She was instinctively curious to find out the source of the commotion.
    "Are you mad? Why do I have to pay a deposit?! I've already paid for my room in full."
    The woman's voice was at a shrill pitch. It was obvious that the associate at the check-in counter found it difficult to explain to the female guest that a refundable deposit was required in the event anything from the room went missing, damaged or the items at the mini-bar were utilised. Cathy saw that the associate was being assisted by his supervisor and continued on her way to the Fleming Hall where Banquet was getting all geared up for the biggest event this property had ever seen.
    It never ceased to amaze Cathy that so many guests chose to ignore the brief information in the hotel brochure, their welcome kit or on their room key card. A little more attention and they could have spared themselves the shouting match they insisted on having at the check-in counter.
    Unique for more reasons than one, MoonStar Edinburgh spread over more than forty thousand acres. It was the only hotel property in the world that housed two colonial manors restored from the late sixteenth century. These functioned as a bed and breakfast with twenty rooms each, sporting a Victorian theme. A more recent construction was added in 1972, this included three hundred rooms in a twenty-one storey building, fourteen one bedroom villas, a massive dining hall which could accommodate one thousand people and a small chapel. If one were to walk or take a buggy ride from one corner of the property to the other, it was easy to become enraptured by the elements of majestic heritage that were obvious in all the buildings.
    For the first time in its twenty-eight years of operations the entire property was closed down for one event, a wedding. On her way back from one of the London properties, Cathy had been asked by the hotel's Public Relations Manager to

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