Friends & Lovers Trilogy
for her to break off their relationship and move on.
    It had hurt his pride a bit, especially on
the tail-end of losing his dream of playing career ball, but there
were no lasting effects.
    When he saw her email address pop up in his
inbox, he opened it with mild curiosity, figuring she had a
question or something. When it said that she really wanted to see
him, he deleted it without replying.
    When he was finished in the office, he stood
to go on the floor and was met by Rich coming in the back. Rich
looked nervous and unsure, so Colin spoke first.
    “ Hey, man. I’m sorry about
the other night, I was outta line.”
    Rich looked relieved, but still said
guiltily, “No. You had every right to be mad. I slept with your ex,
and that is totally against man-code.”
    “ Rich, we’d been broken up
for a year. Don’t sweat it. I shouldn’t have gotten so upset, but
when you guys admitted that you’d been together, I was totally
jealous. It was my gut reaction.”
    “ It’s understandable. She
was your girl and I’m your best friend. You’re like a brother to
me, man. It never should have happened.”
    “ Bree explained everything
to me, so no hard feelings, all right?” Colin pulled Rich in for a
quick hug, and looked at him with a smile. “Let’s just never talk
about it again, okay?”
    Rich grinned back, “Deal.”
    The day went by pretty quickly, and at
exactly six o’clock, Colin knocked on Briana’s door.
    His breath caught when he took in her short
skirt that billowed around her sexy legs. She looked fresh and
beautiful as she greeted him with a smile.
    He leaned in to kiss her cheek and said,
“You look amazing,” which caused her smile to widen.
    He held her hand as they walked down the
stairs to his car. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me,
    She stopped for a moment and said, “This is
the only second chance you’re going to get, Colin. Don’t disappoint
    His stomach fluttered at her words, and he
hoped that he wouldn’t.
    “ I won’t.”
    When they got to the restaurant, he walked
around to open her door and offered his hand in assistance.
    “ Thank you, Sir,” she said
with a giggle. She tried to keep her skirt down as she got out of
the truck.
    “ Anytime, Ma’am,” he
replied, playing along.
    She smiled as they walked up to the
entrance. “You remembered that I love seafood.”
    “ I remember everything,
Bree,” he assured her as he opened the door.
    When they were escorted to their table, he
pulled out Briana’s seat for her, and sat across from her. Her
delighted grin made him happy that he’d been taking care to be a
gentleman for her.
    They ordered their food and caught up as
they nibbled on spinach dip.
    “ So,” Briana began, “how
are your parents doing?”
    “ They seem happier than
they’ve ever been,” he answered. “Mom started playing tennis and
has made a beautiful garden in their yard. She’s taking more time
for herself, since I’m out of the house, which is really good for
her. Since she’s so happy, that makes Dad happy. They’re going out
on date nights now and everything.”
    “ That’s wonderful. They’re
such a great couple. I’ve always looked up to them for that,”
Briana admitted. “When I get married, I hope my marriage is as
great as theirs.”
    “ Me, too,” Colin replied,
reaching over the table to hold her hand. “I know I’ve said this
already, but I’ve really missed you, Bree.”
    She looked down at the joined hands and then
back up into his dark eyes.
    “ I’m sure you’ve had plenty
of company over the last few years,” she said softly, not voicing
the question that was apparent in her face.
    “ I’m not going to lie and
say that I didn’t date after we broke up. I kept things pretty
casual for the most part, but I did have one girlfriend while I was
in school. It was more of a status thing. We liked each other, but
we weren’t in love. It was nothing like my relationship with you,
Bree. You’re

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