From Hide and Horn (A Floating Outfit Book Number 5)
Dawn along. Maybe we should send her
    ‘ Whee doggie!’ chuckled
the Kid. ‘ So that li’l gal made it, did she? Way she talked ’n’ acted
going home, I got to figuring she had it in mind to come along. And
I sure admire you, whichever of you’s the one who’s fixing to make
her go back. That’s no Nemenuh naive xii as’s been trained right ’n’ proper
from the cradle-board to do as the men-folks tells her
    ‘ What does delegation of authority
mean, Dustine?’ Goodnight inquired.
    ‘ You do it, I’m scared to,
I’ve always been told. Poor ole Mark, I hope she don’t chaw his
ears off when he passes the word.’
    ‘ Does she have to go back?’ asked the
Kid. ‘She’s got sand to burn and spunk enough to see it
    ‘ Having her along might even help,’
Dusty went on. ‘No matter how tough the going, the fellers won’t
quit while she’s sticking it out—and stick she will.’
    ‘ We’d best ask her how she feels about
it, anyways,’ Goodnight decided. ‘And do it tonight, so’s she’s
close enough to the Swinging G house to make it back without an
escort; happen she wants to go.’
    ‘ I’ll bet my next month’s pay that
she’s still with us at Fort Sumner,’ the Kid offered, looking at
Dusty. ‘Are you on?’
    ‘ No bet. And, anyways, you’ve already
drawn most of your next month’s pay to buy shells for that fool
    ‘ Injun-giver!’
    ‘ Are you figuring on telling the rest
of the hands, Uncle Charlie?’ Dusty asked, ignoring his friend’s
    ‘ What do you think?’ asked
    ‘ I’d say no, was it me,’ Dusty decided.
‘At least until after they’ve been on the trail a mite
    Goodnight nodded soberly. Told of his
intention of taking the herd across the Staked Plains, while still
new to the notion of handling it, the Mineral Wells men might
figure that they faced an impossible task. After a few weeks on the
trail, they would have widened their experience and, more
important, gained at first hand complete confidence in the
abilities of their trail boss and his segundo. Knowing they were
led by competent, trail-wise bosses, the men would be more willing
to risk the dangerous crossing.
    ‘ I think you’re right,’ the rancher
said approvingly. It seemed that his nephew had learned the lessons
of leadership well; small wonder Dustine had done so well during
the War and since. ‘When Dawn comes from the night herd, I’ll tell
her what we’ve decided and ask what she wants to do. Then I’ll ask
her not to tell any of the others.’
    ‘ It’d be best,’ Dusty
    On her return from riding the night herd,
Dawn found herself taken to one side and told of Goodnight’s
intention to cross the Staked Plains. Without attempting to
influence her one way or the other, he warned of the difficulties
and dangers they would face. At the end, the girl stated her
determination to see the drive through. Then she promised not to
mention his plans, even to her brother. After a meal, she went to
where her blankets were spread in the bed-wagon. Allowing her to
sleep there was the only concession the men made to her sex, but
agreed it was less embarrassing for all if she did not sleep among
the male members of the crew.
    Taking his horse—the big paint
stallion which had crippled Ole Devil Hardin before Dusty tamed it
for use as his personal mount xiii —from the picket line, the small
Texan rode out to the herd. He had waited to see the girl’s
response to Goodnight’s question, and left grinning a little at the
calm manner in which she heard the startling news then gave her
answer. As he drew near to the bed-ground, he could hear the
droning, near-tuneless singing which experience had taught cowboys
soothed the cattle and prevented them from becoming frightened by
the unheralded appearance of a rider from the darkness.
    ‘ Now say, you fool
    Why don’t you lay
    And quit this forever

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