From Riches to Rags
start something you can’t finish right now,” Frankie fanned herself flirtatiously, “tell me about last night.”
    “Chris had a very interesting night last night and I’m just not sure how I should convey that to her father.”
    “Can you tell me about it?”
    Usually, we don’t share information if our clients demand complete privacy. Initially, that had been the case with Mr. Livingston, until George Kirk walked into my wife’s office. I had told her before I signed the contract that he had requested my services, and she remembered the name. Turns out that was a good thing.
    “Blackie showed up at Chris’s new job and ended up driving her home, but for some reason, she drove around the same block a number of times before she got there.”
    “Oh, do tell.”
    “No, she never got past the curb, but Chris barely slept a wink, not until she fell asleep sitting up just about ten minutes ago.”
    “So if she doesn’t sleep, you don’t?”
    “You know how this game is played.” A fact that I love about my wife is that she’s been there, done that, and can relate to me on an even level, “No, I need to make sure‒”
    “What? That you make yourself sick with this case? Listen, honey, I’m between cases, and your client knows I’m aware of the particulars. Let me spell you for a while, and you get some much needed sleep.”
    “Are you sure?” I asked her as I lay on the bed, and closed my eyes, waiting for my cobwebbed brain to stop spinning down into unconsciousness. The last thing I thought I heard her say was sweet dreams. They will be now. “I love you, beautiful.”
    Sleepless Nights ‒ Melinda aka Blackie Blackstone and George Kirk
    “Who the hell is this calling me at four in the morning?”
    Oops, I forgot about the time change, “It’s Melinda, uh, I mean Blackie, did I wake you?”
    “Blackie? No, of course not. Is anything wrong?”
    “Everything! Everything is wrong. She won’t talk with me and she won’t let me talk to her.”
    “Blackie, you’re not making sense. Are you drunk?”
    “No, I only had the one drink. I just haven’t been able to get to sleep because she won’t leave me alone.”
    “I’m sorry, I still don’t understand. How is it that she won’t leave you alone? Are you with her now?”
    “No, I’m not with her now! Keep up, man!”
    “Then what is it, Blackie? What has you wound so tight?”
    “The fact that I’m not drunk has me wound tight. The fact that she blew me off has me wound tight. The fact that‒”
    “The fact that you care for this girl, genuinely care for her, but she won’t give you the time of day?”
    Way to stab me in my heart, George. “Yeah, something like that.”
    “Blackie, can I speak plainly?”
    “You mean you haven’t been? Yeah, sure, why not.”
    “If Chris did want to be your friend, would things truly be different?”
    “I’m not sure what you mean, George.”
    “Isn’t it true that if she tried to get close to you, as a friend, you’d run the other way? You’ve never acted this way over a woman before. You’ve never allowed someone to get under your skin like this, so I think you need to truly understand what you’re upset about.”
    “George, how do you know how I’ve acted before? Have you been watching me, or something?”
    “You know I have, Blackie. It’s my job, remember? That’s why I can advise you so easily.”
    “Oh, yeah, for a moment I forgot what you did for a living.”
    “So, is it because you really like her, or because she spurned your advances?
    “I think…” I shut my eyes and brought her image to my mind. I could see those beautiful, dark, sparkling green eyes that smiled at me when I apologized to her. “I guess a little bit of both, George. I’m way out of my comfort zone here, and I don’t know what to do about it.”
    “When you can honestly put someone ahead of yourself without any expectations of reciprocation, then you will know what to do. As it is

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