Frozen Enemies

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Book: Frozen Enemies by Zac Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zac Harrison
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around the galaxy.”
    Lishtig’s voice broke into the conversation. “Guys, have you seen the huuuuge mining ship? Mordant says it’s one of his dad’s mallux prospectors. No wonder his family’s so rich.”
    Within minutes, every spaceship was connected. With the exception of Mordant, who was still sulking about missing the Vapourball Championship, the Hyperspace High students chatted happily to one another as the fleet of Privateers powered through space. Now and then, the headmaster and Ms Vartexia chipped in with interesting facts and information about planets they were passing. Every half hour, John’s computer gave a status update. The ships were crossing light years in less time than it took to drive across his home town during rush hour.
    “Now approaching Archivus Major,” the computer reported eventually. “Dropping out of hyperspace. Landing procedures initiated. Prepare for return to manual.”
    “Affirmative. Return to manual.” Ahead was the planet that John had last seen on the 3-D screens in Ms Vartexia’s classroom. In orbit around it was a network of security satellites, each – John knew – heavily armed to prevent unauthorized landings on the planet.
    “Formation alpha twelve,” Lorem’s voice commanded briskly. “Take positions. We’ll be landing one at a time. Each craft will be escorted in by Omega-bots. Do not be alarmed when you see them. Take it slow and remember what Sergeant Jegger taught you.”
    Gritting his teeth, John took the controls again, his anxiety returning. Take-off was always nerve-wracking, but landing was harder, and this time he wasn’t making a simple approach to the hangar deck of Hyperspace High. This time he would be entering the atmosphere of a strange planet and landing at an unfamiliar docking port.
    In an instant, the Privateer’s cockpit was filled with bright yellow light, flashing from the nearest satellite. John covered his eyes in confusion.
    “The DNA scan,” the headmaster said reassuringly. “It will be over soon.”
    As Lorem had predicted, the light blinked off two seconds later. John watched as Ms Vartexia’s ship peeled and dived towards the planet below. His palms felt sweaty in the SecondSkin gloves. As the planet revolved beneath him, John caught himself wondering what he would be doing if he had returned to Earth and gone to Wortham Court.
    Nothing as exciting as this.
    Lorem’s voice announced, “John Riley, you’re clear to land.”
    “Computer, display docking guides.” Data appeared on the screen, and the landing beacon flashed in the centre. “Here we go,” John muttered, as his fingers moved across the touchpads. The Privateer turned slightly, lining up with the docking sight. John dropped the craft’s nose and dived towards the planet.
    The small spaceship shook as it hit the atmosphere. Clouds streamed by, cutting visibility to zero. With only the indicators on the ship’s shell to guide him, John felt panic rising.
    Too fast, too fast!
    He was through the clouds. Beneath, land was rushing up to meet him: a patchwork of different environments and sprawling building complexes. Outside, something moved to take position by the window.
    John turned his head and looked straight down the barrel of a gun.

Chapter 7
    Two metres from the ship, a bulky machine – at least three metres tall – was keeping perfect pace with John’s Privateer. Its eight arms each held a heavy warp gun. From what little he had learned of galactic weapons, John knew that just one was more than capable of reducing the Privateer to atomic particles, and currently two were pointing directly at him.
    His jaw dropped open inside the helmet. He tried to shout but nothing came out of his mouth.
    Somewhere in the back of his mind a small voice told him to stop staring at the machine and to concentrate on landing.
    With effort, he returned his attention the ground. The dock was just ahead. He could see students milling around their landed ships already.

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