Fueling Her Fire

Fueling Her Fire by Piper Trace Page A

Book: Fueling Her Fire by Piper Trace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Trace
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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opened her
eyes and their gazes met, the heat between them almost palpable.
    “I want to see you come.” His voice was a low rumble and
from the look on his face it was clear that he was as excited to watch her
orgasm as she was to feel it.
    How many times had she imagined Dylan saying such raw things
to her? And now here he was with his hands in her panties, asking her to come
for him. Kip clasped her hand over Dylan’s, holding him still for the
toe-curling moment when the pulsing tension in her pussy finally released in
wave after wave of delight. Whimpering, she pressed the vibrator and Dylan’s
hand back into action against her while she rode out every last spasm of

Chapter Five
    Kip released Dylan’s hand and opened her eyes, meeting his.
He was smiling, clearly pleased with himself. Sitting back, he dropped the
vibrator back in her bag. She was completely relaxed in post-orgasmic bliss,
even in that moment that could have easily been incredibly awkward. But she
wasn’t going to allow it to be. “Dylan, that was fantastic .” She
stretched. “That’s definitely the way to go when it comes to first aid—screw
‘kiss it and make it better’!”
    “Well,” he said slowly, his eyes glittering, “I can do that
    Kip was shocked when a small twinge of excitement caused the
muscles between her legs to wake again with a tug. She’d never been
multi-orgasmic but here she was, ready to go again. She smiled and pulled her
legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, more than ready to change
positions after being trapped there for so long. “That sounds interesting,” she
said with a sly smile, her heart leaping. She couldn’t believe how this
impromptu trip home was turning out. “Why don’t you help me up and we’ll talk
about it?”
    His boyish smile lit up his face. “Don’t move,” he jumped
up, his voice quick with excitement, “let me get the broom.” After sweeping the
debris away from her and setting the broom aside, he held out both hands to
help her up. Pulling her easily to his chest, he wrapped his strong arms around
her, her face inches from his. Warmth spread through her to her toes as she
relished the feeling of his muscular arms enveloping her again after all those
    She couldn’t ignore the pleasure she felt by being close to
him and, without thinking, she molded her body to his and tilted her face to
    He smiled. “Kip Parker,” he whispered, his deep voice
throaty and his mouth nearly on hers, “you are not the shy girl I once knew.”
    The comment struck an odd note with her. No, she wasn’t.
She’d grown up…and she could pinpoint exactly when that growing up had been
rudely kick-started with a shameful betrayal by someone she’d trusted most
    Kip pushed him away before his mouth connected with hers.
Heart pounding, she backed away from him. What am I doing? This is Dylan
Johnson. He didn’t deserve her, not when what he had done to her still
twisted her gut with the memory.
    “No. I’m sorry.” Her tone was firm. “This,” she gestured
with her hand back and forth between them, “ this is not going to turn
into a sleepover.” Shaking her head vigorously to emphasize her decision, she
dismissed him. “I think you should go now. I can take it from here.” She turned
her back to him and smoothed her clothes down, wrapping her sweater tightly
around her. “Now, uh,” she looked around the room, trying to get her thoughts
straight. “How much longer will it take you to finish with the wood?”
    “Oh,” his voice was flat, “I’m finished. I was coming to
tell you when I saw you trying to hang that star… ” His voice trailed off.
    “I’ll get the money then.” She climbed the stairs to the
loft to get her purse, thinking it was ironic that eight years ago it was Dylan
paying her for “services rendered”.
    When she returned with the money, she handed it to him with
a tight smile. He fingered the bills and

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