opened in surprise as he exhaled into her at the same time his hips locked to hers. She inhaled in shock and felt him tremble.
    He groaned and held her tight, his lips next to her ear. “Are you all right?”
    She smiled and coughed a little. “Fine. What was that?”
    “I had an idea, but if it doesn’t work, I will undo it.”
    She stroked his cheek and neck. “What was it?”
    “I put a piece of me inside you, it should be enough to provide you with an insulating layer no matter what you wear. It will also help you to expose your skin to the elements so that it continues its recovery.”
    “We are tied together then?” She smiled slightly.
    His skin coloured. “Perhaps. I can recall the gases if you are opposed to the idea.”
    “Let’s see how this works out.” She laughed. “I am willing to try it if you are.”
    He grinned and kissed her lips, cheeks, jaw and ears in a flurry of excitement.
    She squealed as he rolled her, and they fetched up against a wall before he rolled them the other way. When he stopped, she was lying on top of him, clutching his shoulders for support.
    Gwyn sighed and felt her heart pounding in her chest. “I am guessing that you like that plan.”
    He grinned and threaded his fingers through her hair. “I am very enthusiastic about the plan. I love the plan.”
    “I will have to tell my dispatcher.”
    He kissed her cheek then her lips. “ Blue Fairy already did. I showed her the scan of the portrait that I had done, and she agreed. I think she did anyway. She didn’t eject me.”
    “She will wait until we are in deep space. No one will ever know.” Gwyn chortled evilly.
    “Vacuum doesn’t bother me.”
    “Damn. We will have to come up with something else.” She patted his chest.
    He grinned. “I look forward to your efforts. Are you up for having dinner with the happy couple today?”
    “Is there still time?”
    “Of course, you only slept for four hours. It is just coming up to dawn.”
    “Well, then, I should get up, get dressed and we should have some breakfast.” She smiled and tried to lever off him. He held onto her with his arms looped around her waist.
    “I like where we are.”
    “Tough. I am putting some clothing on.”
    He sighed and surrendered. “Fine. The bots got the blood out of your gown.”
    She perked up. “Can I wear it again?”
    “Of course. It is an all-purpose gown.”
    Gwyn laughed, and while she got dressed, she kept waiting for any biological traces that weren’t her own to emerge from her body. Nope. Nothing. “So, there is nothing when you have a climax?”
    He chuckled, and as she watched, he formed a uniform on his skin without lifting a finger. “Not unless you would prefer it. I mimic physical reactions and translate them into something I can appreciate.”
    “I see. How long have you been mimicking bipeds?” She slipped her gown over her head, straightening it with short strokes of her hands. It felt peculiar to be out of a bodysuit, but as long as she was within the ship, she would be fine.
    “Two Nyal emperors now. About three hundred years.” He shrugged, and she watched him become more solid with every passing second.
    “Are you gathering yourself in?”
    “Yes. I can spread thin enough to cover this entire ship if need be.” He completed his reassembly and grinned. “Ready for breakfast?”
    She snorted and headed out into the hall. In the kitchenette, she dialled up three breakfasts and popped them into the heater. He stood beside her and fixed a pot of tea as well as a pitcher of water. It was a routine they had gotten into on day two. It was strange how intimate it felt now.
    She looked down and saw a column of mist around her waist. “That is very disturbing.”
    He glanced at her. “You wish me to stop?”
    “No. It is just something I will get used to. So, how many other people have you been?”
    The heater pinged, and she set the table with two meals for him and one for her. She put out the utensils, and

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