
GianMarco by Eve Vaughn Page B

Book: GianMarco by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
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you’ve been so frightened of losing it, you allowed him to walk all over you and
     treat you like the dirt beneath his shoes. I watched my beautiful, kind-hearted friend
     repeatedly have her spirit crushed by a man who clearly didn’t love her. You allowed
     him to turn you into this pathetic martyr. So maybe your separation was only a few
     months ago, but your marriage has been over for a long time whether you care to admit
     it or not.”
    “You don’t understand.” Maggie could think of no other argument.
    “I believe I do. Even now you’re letting that bastard call the shots. You’re in an
     apartment no bigger than a closet while he’s in the house with his bimbo. He should
     be paying you some form of spousal support at the very least, but you took that paltry
     lump sum he threw your way. And before you even say it, I would have loaned you the
     money for a good attorney to fight him.”
    “He still supports the kids financially. Camryn is still in grad school. Besides,
     Eugene said if I went to the court for alimony I would barely get enough to cover
     the mortgage, let alone the upkeep.”
    “That’s a load of crap and you know it. Anyway, your kids are now adults, capable
     of taking care of themselves. It’s time you begin putting yourself first. You are
     entitled to half of everything that fool is worth and I think you’re aware of that.
     You’re making excuses for why you’re living in that dollhouse apartment and living
     off that joke of a sum he gave you. Fifty thousand dollars for twenty-three years?
     In installments, no less.”
    Maggie couldn’t take anymore. “Montana, you’re speaking of things you know nothing
     about. You’ve never been married. You don’t know what it’s like to have spent most
     of your life with someone only to be told one day they no longer want you. You don’t
     know the struggle of waking up in the morning and hoping it was just a dream but then
     reality smacks you in the face. All I’ve ever wanted to be since I was a little girl
     was a wife and mother. I tried my best to be good at both of them but apparently I’ve
     fail miserably at both according to my soon-to-be ex-husband and my daughter. So go
     ahead and tell me, O Wise One, what you think my motivation was since you seem to
     know it all.”
    “Oh, we both know, but since you need me to spell out for you, here it is: you think
     if you do everything his way, Eugene will take you back, then you’ll get to keep your
     little fairy-tale illusions intact. He’s left you before , but this time he served you divorce papers. By some slim chance, if things fall through
     with this Shelly person and you do go back to him, he’ll do it again. Stop fooling
     yourself, Maggie. He doesn’t love you, not the way he treats you. You will get no
     more sympathy from me, hon. Why don’t you ask Camryn why she really doesn’t come to
     visit? It’s time for you to stop burying your head in the sand.”
    Maggie trembled as tears clouded her eyes. As much as she wanted to dispute Montana’s
     words, she couldn’t. A part of her did hope for a reunion with Eugene. Was it wrong
     she wanted to keep her family together? “I’m doing the best I can,” she whispered.
    “I know you are. A lot of women would have crumbled under similar circumstances, but
     you haven’t. That underlines your strength. Eugene is not worth the agony you’re
     putting yourself through. You’re a beautiful person inside and out. I hope one day
     you’ll find someone who will appreciate you for you. Don’t close your heart to new
     love. You deserve to be happy. I love you, honey, and I hope you’re not mad at me
     for speaking my mind but it needed to be said.”
    “No. I’m not upset.”
    “I’m glad. No matter what, I love you and if you need anything, I’m here for you.
     My original offer still stands. You could live with me for as long as you like or
     at the very least until you find steady

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