Giles Goat Boy

Giles Goat Boy by John Barth Page B

Book: Giles Goat Boy by John Barth Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Barth
Tags: Fiction, Literary
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(who, let us say, felt guilty about Max’s dismissal) prevented their plucking me from my family. Every weekend there were students and faculty along the fence. I was as pleased to see them as were all my friends; we frisked for their amusement. If in time Max forbade me to approach them, it was not out of fear that I might
he knew I’d not swap my liberty for the pitiful estate of folk who teetered on two legs, reeked of unnatural scents, bound themselves in layer after layer of cloth, and were never allowed the run of the pastures. What he feared—alas and rightly—was that if they didn’t poison me, as they did with tobacco a Schwarzhals doeling I once knew, they’d corrupt me with bad examples. A day came when I chafed at this restriction: Max thought me more innocent than I knew I was, and hence like every youngster I underestimated my susceptibility.
    How it would have alarmed him to know my sophistication at fourteen. From simple observation I’d learned to tell men from women, even when the latter wore trousers and sheared their fleece. To be sure, I had yet toguess the measure of human frailty: one whose brothers become fathers before their first birthday, and who has himself in play been humping does since he could crawl, can scarcely feature a beast that may not mate until its thirteenth year. But I well understood why their keepers never scrupled to let human bucks and does run together, and why they all were so ashamed of their bodies that they mated in darkness. More than one night (unknown to Max) pairs of people stole into our buckwheat meadow: if I heard them crashing through the straw—as often I did, their attempts at silence were that clumsy—I’d slip from the pound to watch their performance from some near hiding-place. When I learned how night-blind they were and how poor of smell and hearing, I made bold to come almost upon them, not to miss a word of their curious bleating—and never was found out. By this means I discovered that the brutes were hairiest in the few places where goats were bald, and bald almost everywhere else, where fleece is most needed (my own angora wrapper I regarded as a part of myself, it was so seldom removed). I had assumed that all the men I saw were geldings, since they ran with the women and never smelled lustful: now I learned that neither sex rutted that strongly. Small wonder. Who could mount, for example, a monster with two heads instead of one—which heads moreover sprout from its backside? Just that enormous seemed the first female human I saw unclothed, with her queer small udders at the wrong end of her trunk. Yet praise be to Nature, that finds every dragoness a dragon, all praise to Instinct for making worms love other worms—she managed a feeble coupling after all with her hairless buck, and my education took a great step forward.
    But see me stray from the point, quite as I came to stray from the herd and leave behind my good judgment. These espials bear on what’s to come—let them show in any case that I was less naïve than gentle Max supposed. For I also understood by the age of fourteen that he was some sort of human himself, despite his long white curls and splendid odor; and further that, for all the herd accepted me as a brother, I was no Rock Alpine, Murciana, or Schwartzenberg-Guggisberger, but a breed unto myself. It was I the people came to see, I think I always knew that. My pals grew faster and were nimbler on their feet; after a year they joined the grownups and were replaced by new kids, while I remained season after season in the play-pound. They were stronger, more handsome, and (pass them) more predictable. I was merely clever—yet dull enough to think myself their better on that account. I alone could climb a tree as well as gnaw its bark, pick my own lice, imitate any sound I heard, and transform a herdsman’s crook into a weapon. We all loved tricks and stunts, but theyhadn’t by half my invention, and in the whole

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