Girl Behind the Scandalous Reputation

Girl Behind the Scandalous Reputation by Michelle Conder Page A

Book: Girl Behind the Scandalous Reputation by Michelle Conder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Conder
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about that. Somehow tipping her bag upside down on Tristan’s desk had alleviated her anger and lifted her spirits considerably.
    She splashed cold water on her cheeks and poked at the dark circles under her eyes. She looked a mess. And her hair was unusually knotty around her temples. A vague memory of soothing fingers stroking her scalp came to mind and she realised at the same time that her headache was gone. Had he stroked her? Soothed her?
    The comforting gesture didn’t fit his harsh attitude, but she was secretly thrilled that he might have done it.
    Thrilled? No. She shook her head at her reflection. Thoughts like that led to nothing but trouble, and hadn’t he already madeit completely clear that he detested every minute he had to spend with her? And didn’t she feel exactly the same way? The man was rude, arrogant and obnoxious, to say the least.
    She blew out a noisy breath and pulled her hair into a rough ponytail, securing it with the band she kept around her wrist for just such purposes—a habit that made Jordana shudder. But Lily had never been one for fashion and clothing, like Jordana. Which was probably why Jordana was a buyer for women’s wear at a leading department store and Lily wore just about anything she recommended.
    Lily turned towards the door and paused with her hand on the brass knob. She was almost afraid to return to the lion’s den.
    Then she chastised herself for her feebleness.
    No doubt Tristan was just planning to lay down the law. Tell her he wanted absolute silence and co-operation again. And if he did she wouldn’t argue. The less they had to do with each other the better.
    Sure, she had questions, but perhaps it was better to try and stifle them. She’d soon find out what was going to happen, and as much as the thought of being at his mercy made her skin crawl what choice did she really have right now?
    Yes, that would be the approach to take. Polite, but aloof. Mind her own business and hope he minded his as well.
    Tristan regarded Lily coolly as she walked back into his office. She’d put her hair up, which made her look more unkempt than when she’d first woken up—and incredibly cute. A fact he found hard to believe when he usually preferred women well-mannered, well-bred and well-groomed.
    He was still smarting from having lowered himself to question her about her lovers before, like some jealous boyfriend, and wouldn’t have minded if she’d spent the rest of the afternoon in the bathroom. All the better for him to get some actual work done.
    But she hadn’t, and now her eyes alighted on the refreshmentshis secretary had just placed on his desk. He knew she must be hungry, because he doubted the customs officers had made it a priority to feed her earlier today.
    He suppressed a grin when he saw her glance surreptitiously around for her bag. Much as he hated to admit it, he admired her spunk.
    ‘No, I didn’t bin it,’ he said conversationally. ‘Although there wasn’t much in there worth keeping apart from a miniature pair of black panties.’
    Her eyes flew to his and he had to wonder why he’d said that. It had gone totally against his intention to direct her to the sofa and tell her to keep quiet.
    Her mouth gaped with embarrassment and he almost felt sorry for her. She’d obviously forgotten they were in there.
    Then she recovered and sauntered across the room. ‘I’m not sure they’re your size, but you’re welcome to keep them.’
    ‘I generally like to take them off women, not put them on,’ he purred, enjoying the way her eyes widened before lancing him with a knowing look.
    ‘So I’ve heard,’ she rejoined. ‘But I was referring to your personal use, not…’ Her pouty lips tightened and she looked flustered, dropping her gaze to the assortment of cups in front of her. ‘Never mind. I take it one of these is mine?’
    ‘Yes. Take your pick. I didn’t know if you preferred coffee or tea so I ordered both.’
    She looked at him as if she

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