Glory (Book 1)
She hadn't meant to make a sound. She didn't want Big Mike to come in and see that she was awake.
    She waited for his footsteps. They never came. There was no sound anywhere.
    Claire took the time to look around the garage again. There had to be something to help her escape. She was surrounded by tools.
    There had to be something within her reach!
    There wasn't. They were all too far away. Even the pen had been thrown to the other side of the room. She didn't think that would've been much help, anyway.
    She kept looking around. Her jeans were in a pile on the floor. As with everything else, they were too far away to reach.
    She put her back against the metal desk. And, though she tried her best, she couldn't stop herself from crying.

Chapter 3
    When Adam opened his eyes, it was light outside. The sun was shining through his window. He stretched, shook his head and looked around his room.
    "Was it all just a dream?" he asked himself aloud.
    He wasn't sure if the events from last night had actually happened. They seemed too bizarre to be real. He must have invented them.
    He took a few deep breaths and got out of bed.
    Once up, he looked back over at his bedroom window and thought about checking outside. That would answer any of his questions. He'd either see a mess or things would be back to normal.
    But he wasn't ready yet. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to know.
    Adam walked into his living room. From here, everything looked fine as well.
    It must've been a dream. It really must…
    He heard a wild scream come from outside. And, just like that, knew that it hadn't been a dream after all.
    Adam went to the window and looked out. Below him, there were still several bodies strewn through out the road. Limbs were torn from them. Blood covered most of the road. Car windows had been smashed. As had store windows.
    He looked down the street and saw that his favourite restaurant had caught fire some time in the night. There was nothing left of it. It was simply a charred out place, black on the inside and out.
    He heard the scream again.
    Adam searched around the street below him and came upon a man wandering around. The man swung his arms around wildly. He looked frustrated with something. Angry. He continued to shout. Adam didn't know at what.
    As the man passed by he hit a car, kicked a few bodies. But, eventually, he wandered off and Adam was left alone.
    Adam kept staring out the window. He had no idea what to make of any of this.
    The T V , he thought . Maybe there'd be something on that!
    He rushed over to the television and grabbed the remote. His finger shook as pressed th e o n button. Nothing happened.
    He tried a few more times.
    He remembered . The power had gone out.
    He placed the remote back onto the television. It wasn't going to work. He wasn't going to find out any news about what had happened.
    "Shit," he said. "This is bad."
    Adam sat down on his couch. He wasn't sure what else to do. He knew that he had decided last night to leave, that he couldn't stay here. But seeing the man outside in the light, seeing the destruction, didn't make that decision very easy for him.
    No, he couldn't stay here. Not with all of the dead bodies rotting in their apartments.
    If he was worried about all of the dead bodies in his building, it frightened him even more to think about all the dead people out on the streets. There could be millions of them. And with them would come disease.
    He'd have to leave his apartment. He'd have to leave the city. He didn't have much of a choice.
    Adam got up and went back to his room. He opened his closet and pulled out his backpack. He held it out in front of him, looking at it with a moment of fondness. After university, he had spent a few months travelling around Europe. He had done so wit h thi s backpack. It had become important to him. It made him feel comfortable.
    It also reminded him that the world he once knew was gone . Probably . Part of him kept hoping that he might be

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