Great Turkey Heist

Great Turkey Heist by Gertrude Chandler Warner Page B

Book: Great Turkey Heist by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
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that out of here! We want to see the movie.”
    Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny jumped from their seats and raced to the front of the theater. But whoever had the turkey moved faster. Henry jumped up on the stage and ran to the edge of the screen. A door on the side opened and shut. Henry grabbed the doorknob, but the door was stuck. Someone was holding it from the other side! He could not get it open.
    “Quick!” he said to his brother and sisters. “Let’s go out the front door.”
    The Aldens ran through the lobby. They went outside and raced to the side of the theater. But no one was there.
    “This is why I could not get the door open,” Henry said. A chair was pushed up against the door. It was a wooden chair with green leaves painted on the sides.
    “That chair looks familiar,” Violet said.
    “Violet is right. I have seen that chair somewhere, also,” Jessie said. “But we should probably get back inside. The movie will be over soon, and we should help Mr. Tipton clean up.”
    After all the customers had left the theater, Mr. Tipton and the children walked to the screen. All the lights were on. They checked the stage and the screen. There was no damage. Most customers had thrown away their trash, but a few did not. The children picked up a few candy wrappers and popcorn boxes. Henry and Jessie swept the rows, and Mr. Tipton vacuumed the aisles. Soon, the theater was clean and ready for its next movie.
    Everyone turned sharply when they heard the door open. But it was just Mr. Grayson. He seemed very happy. “We got so many wonderful donations!” he said. “My thanks to all of you.”
    “Yes,” Mr. Tipton said, “but someone stole one of our donation jars. We could have had much more money for the food pantry.”
    “Oh well. I wouldn’t worry about that. We’ll get more. There will be another story in the paper tomorrow. People will want to read about the theft and about the giant turkey waddling across the movie screen,” Mr. Grayson said. “C’mon kids, I will give you a ride home.”
    On the way to Grandfather’s house, Mr. Grayson talked excitedly about the food pantry. He asked the children if they would help set up the donations on the shelves.
    “Of course we will help,” Jessie said.
    “And I have more good news,” Mr. Grayson said. “Some of the players from the Greenfield High football team want to help, also. At tomorrow’s division championship game against Westtown High, everyone must bring a donation to get a ticket.”
    “That’s wonderful,” Jessie said.
    “The football stadium is very large,” Henry said. “And this is a big game for our team. If Greenfield High wins, they win the championship. There will be a lot of donations.”
    “Exactly!” Mr. Grayson said. “I think that several exciting things will happen tomorrow!” He winked at the children and dropped them by the front porch of Grandfather’s house.

Jessie Finds a Clue
    After dinner, Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny sat around the fire in the living room.
    Mrs. McGregor carried in a pitcher of warm apple cider and a plate of pumpkin bread fresh from the oven. “You children have had a long day,” she said. “I thought you could use a snack before bed.”
    “Thank you, Mrs. McGregor,” Henry said. “We would love a snack.”
    “Especially me!” Benny said, jumping to his feet.
    “That is why I am cutting you an especially big piece of pumpkin bread!” Mrs. McGregor said. “I heard your stomach growling all the way from the kitchen.”
    Benny put his hand on his stomach. “It does that when I’m hungry,” he said. “I can’t help it.”
    “I know,” Mrs. McGregor said. “And I am glad that I know how to make it quiet!” She handed Benny his plate and a fork.
    The other children were hungry, as well, and took big slices of pumpkin bread. Benny lay on his stomach on the floor while he ate.
    “Mr. Grayson sure seemed happy tonight,” Benny said.
    “He was happy,” Violet

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